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You continued to admire the spire for a little while longer and take a few pictures that made you look like you were holding it in your hands.(you know the kind)

It was about Lunch time when you were done drooling over Dublin, so you decided to get something to eat at the coffee shop that Dan had recommended. He was only a possible cult leader in some way so nothing too bad right?

When you walked in, the barista had a pretty thick irish accent. Not too thick where you couldnt understand him, but it was to the point where bf/n couldnt. He had strawberry blonde hair with really light green eyes. He was also about 5'11. Maybe 6ft? He was kinda pale too.

"Ahh new faces. Never seen em for a while. What can i get cha?"

Bf/n looked at you slightly panicked like they didnt know what to do. Not only was the accent thick, but he talked fast too. How could you understand him? Simply because you were used to the accent in some sort of way.

"Well were not from here so whats your personal favorite?"

"Well lass, i would have to say my personal favorite is the sugar cookies considering they are the things that sell the fastest so they are always freshest."

"Hmm...then 4 of those please."

"Coming right up."

He winked at you and you both watched him take 4 of the sugar cookies and put them in a bag.

"That'll be €5.05!"

You handed him the euros and he handed the cookies. On the paper bag was his name and phone number.

You seem like a nice person to spend time with. The name's Ashton btw.


You smiled at the note and bf/n tried to read it over your shoulder.

"Ooooh. Someone's already into you and we havent been here a full day yet. You gonna call him?"

"Maybe later tonight. I dont know if im interested in him in that way."

You went back to the apartment to make actual food for lunch instead of just cookies. You decided to make (your favorite food) and it was absolutely amazing. Shortly after you decided to message Ashton.

-Hey Ashton! Its the foreign girl from earlier. I dont know if you remember me or not?

-How could i forget someone like you walking into my store? I was wondering since im off work in 20 minutes if you wanted to go to a park that i really like so we can get to know eachother?

-That sounds great! I guess i could just meet you at your work when you get off?

-Sounds good! See you then :)

It wasnt a date. You were just two people who wanted to hang out and be friends. At least that was your intention for now. Maybe Ashton wanted more? You couldnt really tell since you just met him like 20 minutes ago. You decided to change into something nicer. You decided to just walk there after bf/n gave you a standard lecture about being alone in Ireland.

You eventually left and made your way over to the shop again. When you got there he was gonna be off work in a few moments so you decided to wait by the door. He saw you and waved with a big smile on his face. Dimples. He has dimples.

When he was done he rushed to leave after quickly wiping down the counter and saying bye to his coworkers and boss.

"Hey Ashton! So how far is this park youre talking about?"

"About a 10 minute walk. Come on ill take you there."

"And youre sure you arent an axe murder whos gonna blend my body parts and turn them into a smoothie?"

He looked at you like you were crazy. Not in a joking way either. You watch RT too much. What other reason was there. Inless...you are actually a psychopath.

"Umm...a-anyways, you barely know me yet you asked me to go to a park with you. Why? And dont give me the bullshit that is 'well youre just really pretty and looked really nice' cause ive heard that before."

"Heh..it was because you just have a certain vibe to you that makes me intreaged. Like...you arent like other girls but i mean you reallyyyyy arent like other girls."

He wasnt wrong of course.

You eventually made it to the park and texted bf/n to let her know you wernt dead or anything. It eventually became evening time.

"So i just realized...i never got your name."

"Oh! Sorry about that. Im y/n."

He nodded softly and kept his gaze forward. Something about him felt kinda off to you. You didnt exactly know what though.

After a few moments you felt his hand brush yours. You moved your hand a little so it wouldnt happen again. Yet it seemed like it was on purpose since he did it again. Eventually he tryed to hold your hand. But you being you, you were too socially awkward to say anything about it so you walked with him tense most of the way. You wernt into him that way at all. Sure he was cute and could bake sweets but theres alot of guys like that.

You eventually pulled your hand away awkwardly and Ashton looked at you from the corner of his eye. His face was slightly red too.

"Ashton i think youre a really sweet person but i really dont think of you that way. And plus im only here for the month so it wouldnt work anyways. Im...im sorry if it makes you feel bad."

He was quiet and avoided eye contact with me. He seemed tense.

"Could you try to give me a chance?"

"Im sorry. Im not really interested."

"But please! Just one week of us dating to see if you like me."

You realized he was desperate to have you. You didnt want to be rude but you also didnt want to date him. After he finished his sentence there was a voice from slightly behind you. Once again recognizable.

"Im pretty sure you should have gotten the hint the first time. The lass said shes not interested so you got your answer."

It was non other than Daniel...again. He was just casually walking with his hands in his jean pockets. You could tell he hadnt been listening for too long.

"What would you know? You dont even know her at all so you have no idea what youre talking about."

"Actually i do know her. She does in fact have a picture on her phone from earlier today to prove it as well so could you ever so kindly fuck off?"

Ashton huffed and walked away annoyed. You stood there awkwardly looking at the ground.

"T-Thanks Daniel. I didnt think that he wanted to date me. If i would have known then i wouldnt have accepted his invitation to come here."

"Its no problem. I recognized you from the spier and i did him from the bakery the occasional times i went. But i guess this means you trusted me to take my advice on the food there?"

"Well it was almost lunch but me and my friend were hungry so we got 4 cookies and then i cooked some lunch when we got back to our apartment."

Dan nodded awkwardly and you continued to walk when the conversation ended. But instead of going back to do his own thing, he decided to walk with you.

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