8 (And important authors note)

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I wanna say sorry for not updating. School started back for me and 10th grade is hectic cause of corona so the upload schedule might be changed till i get used to things. Thank you for reading this far though!


You woke up around 10am on your own for once and checked your phone. It was just a few tweets from different people. RT being one of them.

People are treating this break like im gonna stop streaming forever. There is still highlights being posted and ill come back in 6 days. Calm down everyone.

You hit the reply button and quickly typed something back.

But were a thirsty bitch for your streams! We will die from dehydration at this rate.

You turned your phone off and set it down and went to go make breakfast. Bf/n wouldnt probably be awake for another 30 minutes to an hour. So it should be the perfect amount of time for the food to be made and cooled off enough. You just decided to make bacon and eggs since you couldnt ever be more original. Plus it was bf/n's favorite.

After a while, they woke up and instantly attacked the food you had for them on a plate. When they swallowed their first mouth full (×w×) they decided to interrogate you.

"So...how was your hour long conversation with Daniel yesterday?"

"It was pretty great. We just talked about random things that did and didnt matter in the world. He was very giggly about everything too. But i was too so i cant really say much."

"Maybe hes giggly cause hes into youuuu."

They had that kinda smirk on their face. You know the one, the one thats teasing you but staring into your totally existant soul. Yeah, that one.

When you both got done eating, you just decided to binge watch stuff on netflix for the whole day. After all, you were only here for a month. When you started to binge watch one of your favorite shows, you got a text message.

Baby Cooker- Time for me to be that one annoying friend. So hiiiiii.

Spier Girl(y/n)-ha ha. Good luck annoying me. Im immune to annoyance. Get on my level redden tedding game.

Baby Cooker- Dont become Jessie where she has a new version of rtgame every 5 minutes.

Spier girl(y/n)- But its totally 100% funny and original. Youre just jealous you didnt think of any of the names sooner.

Baby Cooker- Why did i decide rumble tumble out of anything?

Spier girl(y/n)- Cause you are you. And i shall leave that in suspense on whether thats a good or bad thing :)

Baby Cooker- Do you think its a bad thing?

Spier girl(y/n)- With you being you? Never a bad thing.


He didnt respond for a while and you thought he just had some editing stuff to clear up with Chloe or something. (For those of you who dont know, Chloe is his editor.)

You continued to watch movies with bf/n till you both got bored. You didnt know what to do in ireland believe it or not. You knew so much about it you thought about doing everything and nothing. Yet, you and bf/n were desperate. And the only irish bitch to help just so happened to be a new mutual friend.

You decided to call Daniel to see if he had any recommendations on what to do or where to go.

"Whats up y/n?"

"Well...me and bf/n are bored and want you to take us on a grand tour of your favorite places in dublin. Is that okay or are you busy?"

"No im not busy at all. Ill pick you both up in about an hour?"

"Sounds good! I will...we will see you then."


I quickly hung up the call and told bf/n. They went to go wear something that looks like they tried to be decent. You just threw on a t-shirt and skinny jeans with some converse shoes.

By the time you both were done, it was about 40 minutes till Daniel would get there.

"So...you and Dan have been chatting alot huh?"

"Bf/n...it means nothing. At least to him. Im just a fan aquantence that he kinda knows."

"And yet what does it mean to you?"

What did it mean to you? Of course you had a crush on him but you were sure it was just a celebrity crush. Yeah. Thats all it is.

"It means alot since i idolize him. But other than that, nothing."

After a short while Dan messaged you and told you he was here. You had told him you were renting a car and bf/n picked it up earlier today. Which was good in your sense.

You all got into the car, bf/n as the driver.

"Alright Rumble Tumble...where to first?"

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