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As soon as you got upstairs you plugged your phone into your charger and waited to turn it on for about 10 minutes.

"Are you hungry y/n? I just made dinner."

"But you can't cook. You lack the skills to cook. The most you can cook is ramen. And that's just throwing boiled pasta and a flavor packet into a bowl."

"Well...umm...i totally didn't cook ramen. Hah."

You playfully rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen where bf/n handed you some ramen. It was the standard beef flavor so you didnt complain or anything.

When you went back in your room you turned your phone on to see 14 missed calls and 27 messages from bf/n. You knew they were worried but at the same time...i was about to make a reason that they shouldnt have been but you were in fact out till almost dark with a man you met like an hour ago. Maybe they have a good reason.

You got done eating the ramen and threw the empty cup and plastic fork into the trash. You were literally just buying plastic stuff so that you didn't have to carry anything extra with you when you leave Ireland.

When you got dressed into more comfortable clothes and was about to turn on netflix on your phone, you got a text from an unknown number. Yet something told you that you already knew who it was.

???-Hello! Im an axe murder who totally doesnt cook babies then uses them as a tennis racket for wii sports.

Spier Girl(y/n)-Hi to you too rumble tumble games.

Baby Cooker-Oh thank jesus its actually you and not a wrong number or else whoever the other person was would most likely call the cops.

Spier Girl(y/n)-talk about a break from streaming. You would get a break alright.

Baby Cooker-Also dont call me rumble tumble games.

Spier Girl(y/n)-Why not rumble tumble?

Baby Cooker-We do not speak of the rt in rtgame.

Spier Girl(y/n)-yet its still in the name🙃

Baby Cooker-I can hear your stupid yet sarcastic tone through the messages over the whole matter.

Spier Girl(y/n)-Im sure you can ratting tatting game.


You set your phone down to wait for a response till your phone started ringing. While it was still on the charger, you looked at the screen.

Baby Cooker is calling

You hit answer and inhaled deeply to calm yourself down. Yes. It was really him.

"Hello? Have i reached the child masher?"

You could almost hear his smile and eye roll through the phone. You chuckled a little and slightly blushed despite him not being able to see you.

"Yes y/n, you have reached the child masher. I mean i totally dont kill children with pots and potato mashers."

"If you ever get married and have kids...i feel so sorry for the kids. They will become the seasoning and/or soup for any meal you have. Kevin wouldnt approve."

"Yes cause we all know Kevin knows all the history about soup and he hates it with a burning passion."

You laughed a little and bf/n came into the room.

"Who on earth are you talking to that has no life other than me."

"Oh its umm...just this girl named tiffany who i met a few months back. We bonded over peppermint hot cocoa."

You heard Dan put on a fake and terrible girl voice and he sounded like your basic white bitch.

"Like omg bitch. When tf are you gonna come back to america so we can get our nails done together?"

Bf/n looked at you with a dead look in their eyes. They were so done with your bullshit. You could tell. Jokingly of course.

"Well...while you go talk to this tiffany girl who i know is actually rt, imma go shower. Dont burn the house down."

"Hey! Im the one who can cook, not you."

You heard Dan laughing at the banter you had going on with your best friend. Glad to know he was amused.

You and Daniel continued to talk for about an hour till you felt tired and decided to call it a night, despite you wanting to stay and chat with him longer. He seemed pretty bummed yet understood that you have been out all day today.

"Well then ill pester and annoy you tomorrow then?"

"You'll never pester and annoy me Dan. It is me who will pester and annoy you. But yes please do. I need more friends then just bf/n and your alter ego, Tiffany."

"Alright, then i shall be that one nosy yet lonely friend tomorrow. Goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight child masher, baby cooker, and axe murder."

You both chuckled and you hung up the phone, setting it on the table beside you in the process. You had officially became friends with one of your favorite twitch streamers. Wow what a day..

(I would like to point out it is 5am as i write this entire chapter and i still wont upload it till like 2pm my time. No sleep is great when school starts back in 3 days.)

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