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When the two of you got back to your apartment, he collapsed onto the couch and sighed heavily. He then sat up and patted the spot next to him for you to sit down.

"Daniel you need rest or something. You are drunk."

"Yes. That is...very...true...im drunk. But im not hammered. Just enough to forget shit we did tonight."

You both sat in awkward silence at that point. You didnt know what to say at all, so you stood up just before Daniel pulled onto your wrist and pulled you back down. He then proceeded to cuddle you.

"Dan...you are such a baby."

"Yes. Yes i fucking am. But you still love me so its fineeee."

He wasnt wrong. You did love him. But not in the way of romance. More like celebrity crush type of thing. But you didnt wanna make him seem sad.

"Of course i do. Now i think you need to stay here or else you will Rumble Tumble down those stairs."

He started to giggle alot and pulled you closer to him. You lightly tapped him on the shoulder and he softly hummed.

"You need to sleep. In a proper bed."

"But i like this moment. Right now. Nothing else."

He has to be some kinda flirtatious drunk. Hes being ridiculous at this point. What on earth would bf/n think? They would be back soon and it would look awkward or weird.

"Daniel you need to sleep."

He groaned in annoyance. You decided hes not gonna budge anytime soon. So because of that, you just accepted what was happening. Its not like it means a single thing anyways as much as you want it to.


He sounded the most sober he has been in a while. It was a full 180 compared to how he just was.


"Why do you watch my streams. I know im not the worst streamer but im damn sure nowhere near the greatest."

Its like he purposely kept reminding you that you were only his fan. But you had to be able to give him an answer in his emotional state. Still truthful of course.

"Well...you arent like every other gaming streamer or youtuber ive seen. You have a different personality and different sense of humor. Despite the thousands of people who watch you, you still pay close attention to the chat. Youre very sincere and humble with people and you respect their emotions and feelings. Plus you are quite attractive and funny in my eyes."

By the time you were done talking, he had already fell asleep and his grip around your waist loosened. You slowly took his arms away from you and went to get a pillow and blanket so he would be more comfortable. He was on the couch after all so you didnt want him to wake up in any kind of physical pain from a simple couch.

You went back into the room and put the pillow down. You then gently moved him onto it and then covered him with the blanket. Now this ment that either you and bf/n would share the last one, or you were sleeping without one. But for him you figured it was worth it.

You then heard someone coming in the front door and quickly went to tell them to be quieter so you didnt wake Dan up. You saw bf/n. Sober, thankfully. You are a nice and caring person but taking care of two drunk people in one night would have been too much.

"Please be slightly quiet. Daniel refused to go home and was to drunk for me to take him back downstairs so hes sleeping on the couch. And i gave him my blanket and pillow for the night so he is comfortable. Turns out hes a light drinker and very giggly and emotional drunk."

They nodded and went to get settled for the night. Its not like it was too late though. After all, it wasnt long till Dan became drunk.

You were bored out of your mind. You had bought the Harry Potter books to read them instead of just watching the movies so you could read till you are ready to fall asleep. Who knows when that would be though. Dan would constantly stir around and look like a pretzel.


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