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"Why would you...cry y/n? Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah. Im fine its just...it scares me to question what will happen to our relationship after these last 2 weeks."

"Ive thought about it too. We did agree to not think about it but i dont think we should wait till last minute."

You slightly nodded as if he could see it. You didnt really know how to start the conversation exactly. You didnt wanna mess it up or be too awkward ir anything.

"I uhh...think we need to come up with ideas maybe and see our options?"

"And what if we cant think of anything y/n?"

"T-Then...we call the relationship off and i leave Ireland as scheduled."

We both were quiet for a while; both of us were thinking about what to do or say. Eventually he was the first one to break the silence.

"What about...a long distance-"

"I cant do long distance relationships. They worry me and give me anxiety to no end. Ill consider anything but that. Please."

We went quiet again. 30 minutes into the call and still nothing. I could hear him sigh when he was completely out of ideas.

"We could just stay in a relationship till you leave? Then we passively break up but still talk and be friends?"

"That...is probably the best bet for now. I dont want to but that might be the only thing for now."

"Im sorry that i cant think of anything better."

"Its okay. Thank you for talking to me about this."

"Anytime darling. You can talk to me about anything anytime, okay?"

"Okay Raniel."

He chuckled before sighing more calmly than before.

"Well I'll let you go do whatever you want."

"Aww. Leaving me all alone so soon?"

"Well im sure you have other stuff to do."

"No actually...i dont. I enjoy talking to you alot. I like hearing your voice and accent."

You started blushing despite him not being able to see you.

"Thank you i guess?"

"So what do you think of Ireland so far?"

"Its...not what i expected. Yet at the same time i didnt know what i was expecting so it was an experience for sure."

"And is that a good thing?"

"Of course it is. I love it here honestly."

"Whats been your favorite thing about here so far?"

Meeting you. Wait...NO. Dont say that cause it sounds weird and it will make things super awkward.

"I like how much more lively everyone is here about even the smallest things."

"Are they? I guess i dont notice cause i was born here and what not."

"That wasnt what i was actually gonna say but thats what ill tell you."

"What is it actually then?"

You felt your body get really warm all of the sudden. You didnt know what he would say or think about it. You thought it would have been weird to say. Too cheesy.

"Nothing. Its kinda weird to say and what not."

"We literally just talked about talking to eachother about anything and everything. What is it?"

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