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If you havent seen the twitch date stream or highlights then wow this chapter will be interesting to read with no context of whats going on.

"Take twitch chat...on a date?"

This is when 100 different ideas popped into your head at once.

"Yeah! You could make it seem like you are going to be serious about it but then alot of things "accidentally" happen to make it go to shit. Your green screen could make the scene be set more and everything!"

"What kind of "accidents"?"

Your smile grew larger as you explained everything to him and whatnot. He had to put on the suit as well, which you were excited about.

"What would you be doing the whole time?"

"Watching as a fan in the living room. I think it will be quite amusing. But theres a few things you need to record for some of the skits."

After everything was ready, he still had about 10 minutes. You were in charge of making sure things looked okay on the viewer side. Your phone got a notification.

Tweet from RTGame: Starting a few minutes earlier than planned. This stream will be a rather interesting one that i think you guys will like quite a bit. @ (your twitter name) helped me put it together and whatnot so thank her for it when the stream is over.

You liked his tweet and turned your phone off to open your laptop. You were just waiting for the stream notification at this point. You were excited for this one more than others because this was something different and/new so it was a nice little experence.

After a few more moments, the notification on twitch was on your phone.

Show time.

"Hello everyone. Can you all hear me okay?"

There was many skits that happened. The best one, cause it was the dumbest one, was Dan taking Guilbert and blending him, then flushing him, then the "police" getting called. Or maybe him eating a plate of Spaghetti with his bare hands. Gross yet funny. Or maybe him sticking his thumb in "your" wine cause he burnt it lighting candles. No, in your mind the best part was him taking you to tesco. Need i say more though?

There was countless times when he improved skits to do. Like the depressing poetry. That wasnt really planned or anything. Nor using the lid to the pan of spaghetti as a makeshift spoon or fork to scoop it with. You wondered sometimes what Daniel would and wouldnt do for his fans. This definitely wasnt in your mind out of anything.

"I honestly had more things planned. It was gonna be a nice and romantic evening and everything was gonna be lovely. But uhh...some things messed it up."

He was laughing a little bit to chats replys till one caught his attention.

"'How dare you cheat on y/n like this-' It was her idea for me to even do this! You cant point fingers at me for this!"

You decided to donate 35 dollars and put a little message.

"Jesus y/n dont give me money please. 'Dont worry chat I told him this would be an amazing idea. Im in the living room watching from your perspective and wow its hilarious!' Well im glad your idea for todays stream has went well. I hope i got a few good chuckels out of you and whatnot. Cloe is gonna have fun with this one im sure."

He continued to ramble for a little less than an hour about anything and everything. Once he ended the stream you sat your phone down as Dan was coming downstairs.

"That was a major highlight of my career and nobody can tell me otherwise."

"Yes. Yes it was. Now come here and give me love and attention while you have the suit on."

He smiled and walked over towards you.

"Ah yes. The one thing ladies cant resist of me. The suit out of all things."

You stood up and kissed him really quickly. Thats may be one of the only things you guys didnt do often was kiss. Neither of you knew why. It was just a thing you both wernt obsessed with doing. Thats not to say you hate kissing or anything. You both did kiss but it was maybe once or twice a day compared to what is considered the "avrage couple" according to reddit.

"Tomorrow bf/n will pick me up at 9:30ish. Just letting you know."

"Okay. Sounds good."

You knew bringing that up would make him kind of sad. But he didnt show it or anything. Neither did you. You both had agreed not to mention it.

"Arent you a little warm in the suit?"

"Yeah but ill live."

"Get out of it. Put normal people clothes on and lets just play video games."

He nodded and went to change. You decided to put on one of his hoodies with a pair of your shorts so that you could get more comfortable. When Dan walked back in and saw you in it he smiled to himself more than you.

"That one looks good on you."

"*gasp* they ALL look good on me. Get it right."

"Ok ok. They all look good on you. Especially the one you took from me the day i took you out to eat with bf/n on your birthday."

"You remember that?"

"Yes i do. It looked really cute on you so of course I remembered about it."

You smiled and went to his office to just play video games the whole rest of the evening till you were ready to go to bed. Like almost every night, you cuddled with him as if you both were on a twin sized bed and not a full. Neither of you minded though. The only thing that was on his mind and yours was that after tomorrow you wouldnt be able to cuddle him possibly ever again. Thats all you thought about.

Tomorrow. You leave tomorrow.

Yes i know nothing important happened this chapter but im writing this one instantly after the previous one cause im very inspired today for some reason. Im not complaining though. Also 1.35k reads?! You guys are so amazing❤❤❤

Random question: What is your biggest pet peve??


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