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This chapter was just alot of fucking around so it's basically just a huge ass just dance battle. (Especially after what happened with writing the last chapter)

When you all were done eating food, you decided to once again go back to your apartment and have the most intense battle of all known to man kind.

Just dance 2014

"I hope all of you know, since I did just dance to prove I'm better than Kevin after he sang country roads, I will destroy both of you."

"Funny, that's what you said about Sword Play on Wii sports resort then your ass got kicked by me."

You got the third controller out for bf/n and declared to be player one since it was your birthday. Also meaning you got to pick the songs. First one was a classic, Rasputin.

"Oh silly Rumble Tumble, you may be quite known for playing the Wii but I'm still a practical champion of a lot of Wii games."

"Whatever you say, darling."

The pet name had thrown you off so you missed the first few moves to the song. These moments were one of the many that bf/n third wheeled you and Dan. Especially now since he was officially your boyfriend. It still made you feel super giddy inside. Kinda like when you met him for the first time, but the feeling was diffrent. Hell, you didn't expect to befriend and then date RTGame. Yet here you were now, playing just dance with your boyfriend and bestfriend.

Eventually all three of you were sweating badly and out of breath, trying to beat the other one with so much effort. You and Dan gave each other death glares while you waited for the score. Neither of you got first. Bf/n did and you got last.

"That was just one game though, I'll so better on the others!"

"Sounds like something a sore loser would say, y/n."

"You wanna bet Remble Tremble?"

You had walked up to him 'threatningly' and he look at you with a smirk on his face.

"Oh I wanna bet. If I win then you do whatever I want you to. If you win then I'll do anything you want me to. Deal?"

He held his hand for me to sake. You quickly shook it with a confident grin on your face.

"Will you two just fuck already? Like come on the tention is so thick I can cut it with a machete or something."

You looked over to bf/n with an annoyed expression while Daniel was blushing a little bit.

"Oh shutup bf/n."

They smiled, content with themselves and you proceeded to pick a different song on just dance. Next was applause by Lady Gaga. You were really good at that song against bf/n so hopefully it would be the same with Dan. It actually was the same but then Daniel pulled the loser thing.

"Best outta 3 then."

"Aww, Rumble Dumble is upset that he lost."

"Now it just sounds like you're calling me Dumbledore and I'm not complaining about that."

You rolled your eyes and looked at the songs again. This time you went with Where Have You Been by Rhianna. You were decent at this one and that sightly worried you. If you lost this time you only had 2 chances of winning, which wasn't many obviously.

That battle was unfortunately a loss by a long shot. So this last one was it. Whoever won this one was it no matter what. The next song you chose was ultimate for this battle, Y.M.C.A by Village People.

"May the best person win Daniel."

"You too y/n."

bf/n decided to sit this one out at this point. This intense battle was between you and the king of country roads.

It was a battle of alot of cursing from the both of you. Alot of ok's and perfect's too. I was the easiest and most iconic song there was so it was really an easy win in the end. bf/n filmed lot of it and sent it to you. In the end you both were panting messes and you both watched the score very eagarly.

Daniel won by 16 more points only because of a perfect streak of 11.


bf/n was wheezing in the background while Dan looked triumphant bout the whole thing. He then turned to you with a shit eating grin.

"Well...our deal?"

bf/n had left at this point to go do their own thing.

"Alright Dan, what do you want me to do?"

"I request one small thing we couldn't have earlier. A kiss."

That was what he wanted. Yep. He could have asked for anything and that's all he wanted.

"Dan you didn't have to make a bet about it. You could have just asked and I would have said yes."

"But it's more fun this way. It's kinda like a reward for winning!"

You smiled and then walked over to him. He placed his hands around your waist and yours were on the top outside part of his arms. You both leaned in and your lips collided. It was something you weren't expecting to actually happen, yet it was. You smiled a little as you felt Dan try to pull you closer to him. Eventually the kiss ended and you both looked away from each other while smiling wide.

"And that one is going in the scrap book!"

You looked over to bf/n with their phone out with a uge smile on their face.

"BF/N! Why do you insist of always doing things like this?!"

"Meh, I don't know. But, I'm going to a bar with Yazmine since she said she's been lonely lately so I'll see you either later tonight or tomorrow?"

"Why tomorrow? You don't plan to go home with some-"

"Random stranger? Hell no. I mean if Yazmine is too drunk and needs me I'll stay. If I'm too drunk then I don't wanna bother you with you having to take care of me tonight and tomorrow morning. But maybe I will be home tonight. Who knows."

They left and you looked over to Dan and he was still blushing from the kiss, even more because it was on picture as well.

"I hope you realize they arent actually coming back tonight. I can walk you home if you want."

"I can walk myself. It's kinda late and..oh the sun actually hasn't went all the way down yet. Alrigh, if you want you can."

You just then realized you were still wearing the rats (joke) jacket. You said nothing about it so that way you would get to keep it. You went out the door and locked it behind you, then you both were off. You and Dan instantly intertwined your fingers together naturally. It was like the first time you talked in the park all over again.

"I just realized two things, I don't know where you live. And also it's been over a week, so you were supposed to stream today."

"Shit that's what I was forgetting today. Hold on a second, I need to tweet out something."

You let go of his hands and he quickly got out his phone. Shortly after he put it away, you got a notification.

RTGame just tweeted: So sorry about not streaming today guys. I've had something else on my mind the past while. I will 100% stream longer tomorrow to make up for it!

You then felt guilty. He's been with you all day so that's why he didn't stream. You had to destruct him from his job.

"Whats wrong, y/n?"

"You would have streamed today if you weren't paying so much attention to me. I'm sorry."

"Well I will admit that you did drag me away from work but I'm glad you did. Spending time with you on your birthday is a rather great way to have an extra break day. Plus I could have just not came to your place for your birthday and had a normal stream day of I really wanted so it's not really your fault."

He grabbed your hand again and you both walked in silence to his house. He invited you inside instead of just having you leave. His house smelled like him, and you weren't complaining or anything.

1405 words. Whoops, kinda got carried away. Hope your day has gone great!!!


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