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If you already live in ireland or the UK then now you dont anymore so hah.

Your pov

You woke up around 10am to your bestfriend calling you. They seemed to really want to get your attention because there was also 17 unread messages of just your name from them.


"Y/N! Where is a place you have always wanted to visit?"

"Ummmm Ireland. London. Australia. Japan-"

"Okay i get it you like traveling. But what would you say if we were able to take a trip to one of those places?"

"I would say that its bullshit and i would want proof."

"Well then come over with a place in mind. I have a plane ticket site up right now and all im waiting for is your input on where we go."

"Alright. Ill be there in 15."

You got dressed and ate a very quick breakfast then got in your car. Since it was saturday, traffic was pretty bad. When you got there you knocked on their door till they answered. Which was about 20 times if you estimate. They opened the door with a blank look on their face.

"I heard you the first 10 times."

"Just making sure."

They let you in and you instantly rag dolled onto their floor in front of the tv.

"Come onnnnn. Help me decide where we should go."

"Well how long would we be gone?"

"Maybe 3 or 4 weeks. We would stay in an apartment for that time then leave. It wouldnt be an expensive one. But that also depends on where you choose."

You then got a message notification and checked your phone real quick.

RTGame is streaming: Were cooking a baby in Babysitting Mama

"Hold that thought. Daniel is streaming right now."

"Y/N come on now! I wanna order the tickets before i blow the money at Hot Topic or Spencer's."

"Okay okay...umm. Maybe save Japan and Australia for some other time. So now we are just deciding between the land of potatoes and the land of milky tea and royalty."

You then clicked on RT's stream and saw that there was a potato masher, a pot, and a cooking mama baby inside said pot.

"I swear hes secretly a murderer or something. Everyone thinks it but they say nothing."

"I dont see what you like about him so much. Hes just an Irish guy with a fancy suit on half the time of his existance."

"Exactly BF/N, hes one of a kind in his own magnificent way."

They rolled their eyes and went back into their laptop. They typed something in and clicked a few times. Eventually they turned the laptop around to face me, who was still dead on the floor while watching RT beat a baby with a potato masher inside a cooking pot. Yep. One of a kind indeed.

I looked at the laptop screen to see: two plane tickets for Dublin Ireland, ordered.

"Woah woah woah. I didnt say Ireland did i?"

"No but one, i know you would have most likely chosen it anyways. Two, its for some reason cheaper to fly there than London. Besides the only thing to see in London is the palace and for me...221b baker street."

You rolled your eyes at your sherlock addicted best friend.

"Theres other things to look at in London. And Dublin...belive it or not doesnt have much besides old pubs and the spier. If theres anything ive learned from Daniel...the spier is a shit attraction. But it shouldnt be that bad...hopefully."

"Theres another reason. Doesnt Daniel live in Dublin."


"Now would you have chosen Ireland anyways?"

"...shushhhhh. Yes. But still shushhhhhh."

They turned the laptop back around and looked at details about the tickets.

"They should get mailed here in 2 days and then after the two days we leave in a week. So a total of 9 days till we leave. More information will be on the tickets themself."

I nodded and got back to watching RT drop the fuckin' baby on purpose and not listen to mama when she says to NOT SHAKE THE BABY. Hes defiantly an interesting person. But thats why i like him so much in the end.

"So we should start packing as soon as the tickets get here then?"

"Yeah. It would give us 7 days to do it. I guess for now we could just make a list of things we need to pack and go from there."

"Sounds good to me."

"No no! Please dont shake the baby!"

"Its not like your playing tennis with the- *gasp* wait."

He takes out babysitting mama and puts in- PUTS IN WII SPORTS.

"Its like your playing tennis with the baby as a controller."

"Y/N...hes a psychopath."

"Says you. If you looked at the live chat they are saying to play boxing and beat Matt with the poor thing. Rest in peace guilbert the cooking mama baby."

Its obvious some parts of this are rushed already but ill try to slow the storyline down. If you have any ideas you want in the story then comment what they are.


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