Sudden Emergency!

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The creaking noise of the hammock rocked from Cricket tossing and turning in his sleep.
The room was a complete mess, since everyone was looking for the hidden drink. Little did they even THINK to look where he actually hid it.
They completely destroyed the room, looking like a tornado flew by.

"Where is it?!" Bill yelled, out of anger.

"Perhaps it's in his hammock?" Tilly asked.

"No Good, already checked it." Gramma said.

Bill sighed holding his face.

"Where did he even FIND this..." He asked.

"He bought it, Bill! What do you think?! He STOLE It!" Gramma said.

"But, we don't have any bad drinks!" Bill replied.

Tilly shushed them.

"Cricket's Asleep." She said.

"SO?!" Gramma and Nancy yelled.

Bill and Tilly jumped, startled.

"He shouldn't be able to sleep peacefully! He is only 10, and he drank alcohol!" Gramma said.

"Maybe he didn't know it was a bad drink, you know how... less smart, he is." Tilly replied.

"Why would he hide it if he didn't know it was a bad drink?!" Gramma asked.

Tilly shrugged.

"He is selfish, if he finds a good treat, he will hide it." Tilly replied.

"He's not selfish, he offered me some." Gramma said.

"Awwww!" She said, smiling happily.

They all stared at her.

"...Apologies." She replied.

"Perhaps we should wait until he awakens?" Tilly asked.

"What? No-!" Bill started.

"Do you have a better idea, papa?" She interrupted him.

He stared at her, he didn't have any else to say, yet, Tilly had a good point.
He sighed, and shrugged.

"...You're Right." He replied.

"Respect." Gramma said, pointing to Tilly.

"In the meantime, does anyone want this drink I found?" Tilly asked, holding up the Bad drink they were looking for.

"TILLY!" Everyone yelled.

She tilted her head.

"Yes?" She replied.

Bill snatched the bottle.

"Where did you find this?!" Bill asked.

"In Cricket's secret entrance." She pointed to the entrance.

Bill, along with the others examined it, reading it.

"Where could he had possibly got this?" Bill asked.

"Maybe he stole it." Nancy said.

"Yeah, of course! He didn't buy it!" Gramma said.

Meanwhile, Tilly walked over to Cricket, to check on him. He was just dead asleep, and he snored loudly.

"Papa... Is Cricket gonna be okay?" She asked.

"He should be fine... I don't think he'll die." Bill replied.

She felt his forehead, which felt NOT normal. It was like he was hot and cold at the same time. She gasped softly, as she looked at his face. His face was blushing red. His breath was very bad, and he was shaking.

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