Bill's Visit

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The next morning, Bill was true to his word, and got in the truck, driving off to Nancy's.
He told the kids that he's going to the store, and with the tone he had, they believed him. As Cricket and Tilly played in the backyard With Remy, and Gramma knitted on the couch, Bill drove off.
Few seconds down the road, he hit a redlight, and he stopped. As he waited for the other cars to pass, he sighed.

"Maybe I should call her before I get there." Bill said.

He then reached for his phone, then dialed Nancy's number. Bill rarely called Nancy, since she would sometimes make situations worse. However, since the situation was about her, he didn't hesitate to call her. He dialed her number, and put the phone to his ear, and heard the phone ring.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Nancy, Who was passed out on the couch, snored softly.


However, Nancy's sleeping didn't last long, as her phone, which was beside her, started to ring loudly.

*Riiiiiiing!* *Riiiiiiing!*

"Ack!" Nancy yelped, startled.

She fell to the ground from fear, making the food that laid on her fly off.
She luckily grabbed the couch before she reached the ground, saving herself and the baby.

"Why... Did... I... Turn up... the Volume?" Nancy slowly asked, rubbing her head.

She quickly got to her feet, and reached over to the phone, retrieving it and accepting the call.

"Hello?" She Asked, a little groggily.

"Oh! Thank goodness you answered, Nancy!" Bill said.

"Bill, it's early in the morning, what is it?" Nancy asked.

"Sorry, it's just you didn't answer for a few days, and I was getting worried." Bill replied.

Nancy rubbed her eyes, and yawned.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I've been busy being sick." Nancy replied, groggily.

"Still not feelin' better?" Bill asked.

"How'd you guess?" Nancy Joked.

"Have you been drinking cold water and soup?" Bill asked.

"...Uh." Nancy replied.

She looked around the room, seeing tons of crumbs of junk food spreaded everywhere. It took her a minute to realize that she herself was covered in food.

"...Yeah." Nancy lied.

"That's great! Wait... are you lying?" Bill asked.

"...No?" Nancy replied, nervously.

"Okay, just makin' sure." Bill replied.

Nancy wiped the crumbs off her face, along with her shirt and pants.

"Why do ya ask, Bill?" Nancy asked.

"Well, I'm comin' over to check on ya, I just wanna be sure that you were eating healthy." Bill replied.

"Oh! Well, I'm doing fine-! Wait, WHAT?!" Nancy asked.

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