3 Months Later

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3 Months had passed, and it was all going normal, besides Nancy hanging around the house, nothing was off.
Bill was now acting normal, since he was outside gardening.

Tilly and Remy were playing Bintendo Switch, Remy was winning, and so Tilly unplugged the system.

Nancy, laying on Bill's bed, stared up at the ceiling, pondering about things. Her stomach had grew just a little bit bigger, not noticeable at the moment.

They weren't happy thoughts, however.

Those words Cricket said a while back at the hospital forever stuck with her.

"I know I was probably being... mean, to Dad, but... I didn't mean to go that far as to destroyin' his iconic hat... somethin' in me just wanted to have my normal Rebellious fun with dad, before he... has a better Son."

She never thought Cricket would ever think Bill was gonna have a better Son, Cricket didn't know it, but he was actually the best son Nancy and Bill EVER had.

She nearly brought herself to tears thinking about the words he said, she just wanted to hug him as tightly as she could.

Nancy sighed, rubbing her stomach, as she was getting hungry. She helped herself up, then made her way to the kitchen.

"Tilly, how did you unplug my Bintendo Switch? The system is back at my house!" Remy asked.

"I know..." She replied, and straight up sounded creepy.

Remy didn't seem phased, yet he stared at her, blushing.

"Y-You know... Tilly..." He started off.

She paused the game, then made direct eye contact with him.

"It's been a long time since we've known eachother..." He continued, blushing.

Tilly tilted her head.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you..." He said.

"What appears to be on your mind?" She curiously asked.

He took a deep breath.

"I-I... I.. Uh..." He blushed heavily.

Tilly just stared at him, clueless.

"You know, now might not be the best time to tell you." Remy said.

"Nonsense! Any Time is the best time to tell what's been on your mind!" Tilly replied, with a smile.

"It's stupid, anyways..." He scoffed.

Tilly was sad, but respected his wish, and the two resumed their game.

"Food... Food... Food... Food..." Nancy softly chanted, walking into the kitchen.

She ran into the kitchen, and started opening the cabinets... nothing good was there. She opened the Fridge, nothing good in there, either. The Freezer, No, The hidden Cabinet, No.

"Come on! There has to be something..." She said, looking for good snacks.

"No... Nope! Nope! Nuh-Uh!" She said, throwing random food out of the cabinets.

A can of Pea's hit Bill, who was walking in.

"Ow!" He yelped.

She quickly gasped as she turned to him.

"You okay?" She asked.

Bill came upto her, rubbing his forehead.

"What are ya doin'?" He asked, walking upto her.

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