Ultrasound, and Party Managing!

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As Cricket, Tilly, Nancy, and Bill were off to the hospital, Remy looked around, seeing the coast was clear.

"Okay! The Home is empty!" He said, through a Walkie-Talkie, which he was able to speak to Gloria, Gramma, Vasquez, Gabriella, Andromeda, and many more people.

Everyone then came out of hiding, as Gramma just walked into the living room normally.

"Okay! So, We need to get things all ready!" Remy said, with cheer.

Everyone nodded, agreeing.

"Okay! Andromeda, your in charge of the Party Hats! Gabriella, your in charge of the banners!" Remy ordered them.

They saluted him, then went on to do their job.

"Vasquez, You make the Cupcakes!" Remy said.

He saluted, then Somersaulted into the kitchen.

"Gramma Green! You think you can blow up balloons?" Remy asked.

She didn't reply, just gave a shrug, before walking off.

"Gloria!" He pointed to her.

"Yeah?!" She asked, excited.

"You... sweep and mop the floor!" He said.

Her happy smile immediately flew into a sad frown.

Remy gave her the broom, and mop.

"Oh... Yay..." She sarcastically said.

Meanwhile, at the Hospital, The Greens were waiting to be seen. Cricket and Tilly were in the playroom with the other kids, only they were the oldest in the group of kids.

It was the same hospital they went to for the first check-up, so the parents of the smaller children picked them up and kept them away from the two.

Bill was reading a Magazine, as Nancy looked around the hospital, seeing how neat it looked. It wasn't noisy, or quiet, yet where she was right now, she was slightly nervous.

She could hear her own heartbeat, as she was sweating nervously. All she could do is rub her pregnant stomach, and zoom her eyes around the room.

It then got to the point where she was breathing Shakily, loud enough for Bill to stop reading his magazine, and turn to her.

"You okay?" He asked, patting her shoulder.

She jumped, startled, nearly falling out of her seat.

She then started shaking, which made Bill drop the magazine, then held her hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

She took a deep breath, calming down slightly.

"I-I'm kinda nervous..." She responded.

Bill brought her closer, continuing to hold her hand.

"It's alright... there's nothing to be afraid of." He assured her, before kissing her other forehead.

"B-But, what if there's something wrong with the baby?" She nervously asked.

"I can assure you, the baby is just fine." Bill replied.

Nearly after a whole 3 minutes, a Doctor came out of the doors to the back, holding up a clipboard.

"Nancy?" He asked.

Meanwhile, Remy was making sure everything was going well for the baby shower. He was walking around with a clipboard, writing down checkmark on the things that were done right... which was none.

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