That Morning

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The next morning, Everyone was at the kitchen table, eating some breakfast that Bill had cooked. It had been a few weeks later, and Nancy was still with the Greens, since her Trailer was still in the shop. It has been about Five weeks since the incident between Nancy and Bill, and it has been awkward to be around eachother ever since. The last thing they remembered was waking up in eachother's arms, both Confused and Embarrassed. They've avoided eye-contact ever since.

Cricket and Gramma sat beside Nancy, as everyone was gathered around the table, eating. Everyone smiled and chatted to eachother, Except for Nancy. There, she picked at her food, and frowned, like she was grossed out by what she saw infront of her.
A minute later, Tilly noticed, and tilted her head.

"Mom, why aren't you eating?" Tilly asked, making Cricket turn to her, too.

"O-Oh! I'm fine, honey! It's just... I ate earlier, and that's why I'm not eating right now..." Nancy replied, forcing a smile.

"The heck? What the heck do ya mean ate earlier? You stood on that couch ALL mornin'!" Gramma Replied.

"U-Uh, I made a quick bowl of cereal and you didn't see." Nancy replied, even more nervously.

Nancy felt terrible for lying to everyone, however, she felt awful all morning. She was nauseous, her head was killing her, and just looking at food infront of her made the nauseous feeling stronger.

"Come on, Mom! Ya gotta eat SOMETHIN'!" Tilly Replied.

"Yeah? What the heck, mom? It's not fair that I can't leave the table until I finish my food." Cricket added.

"Cricket! Whatever goes on your plate, you will probably hate, but you need your protein." Bill Replied.

"Hey! It's not fair that everyone else can leave without touching their food!" Cricket said.

"Your only 10! And until your Tilly's age, you have to eat all of your food!" Bill Said.

"Oh yeah? Or, what?" Cricket asked, with an angry expression.

"Or else, YOUR grounded!" Bill exclaimed, with an angered expression.

Suddenly, Nancy felt something coming up her throat and slapped a hand over her mouth, gagging.

"Aw, What? Mom! Back me up!" Cricket said, turning to Nancy.

However, when everyone turned to her, she was gone, with her chair spinning from her speed.

"Whoa!" Tilly said.

"What in the world?!" Gramma exclaimed.

"Mom? Mom?!" Cricket called out.

Nancy dashed into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut, making a loud noise. She rushed to the toilet, with her head leaning in the toilet bowl, as she heaved hardly. Then, Parts of partly-digested food came flying out of her mouth, and into the toilet.

"Bleck! Bleck! B-Bleck!" Nancy gagged loudly, as she puked all up in the toilet bowl.

The vomiting lasted for about ten seconds, until the bathroom door was knocked on.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Nancy? Are you okay in there?" Bill's muffled voice asked.

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