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2 weeks passed, as Nancy's stomach grew a small amount. However, Cricket's attitude got worse.

The next morning, everyone woke up at the same time, except for Tilly, who continued to sleep. Tilly was expecting to hear Cricket toss and turn in his hammock, however, Cricket didn't make the slightest noise. Cricket usually talks a little in his sleep, but he didn't make a peep.
Moments later, it was soon revealed that Cricket wasn't in the room, but instead, in the kitchen.

He was cooking eggs, which were the first things he saw in the fridge. Gramma, Bill, and Nancy walked in, with a smile on their faces.

"Mm! What's that smell?" Gramma asked.

Cricket smiled over at Gramma.

"I made more Eggs! This time, I made them just right!" Cricket said.

Gramma smiled, and sat at the table, along with Nancy and Bill.

"Ready for your food?" Cricket asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone said.

Cricket happily gave the two plates to Gramma and Nancy. They happily took it, as Cricket walked back to grab one more.

"Mm! These look good!" Nancy said.

Cricket then gave a Bill his plate, but as soon as Bill looked down at his eggs, he frowned.

"Uh..." Bill said, lifting an eyebrow.

"Whats wrong, Bill?" Gramma asked.

"Uh, Cricket? These seem... overcooked." Bill said.

Cricket turned and frowned at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is my cookin' not good enough?" Cricket asked.

"No! No! I didn't say nothin' like that!" Bill replied.

Cricket walked over to him, angrily and menacingly staring him in the eyes.

"Then eat it." Cricket said.

Bill gulped, and grabbed a fork, trying to pick up the eggs, but they were so burned, that the Fork ended up bending.

"W-Wha-? Cricket! What did you do to this?" Bill asked.

"Oh... I gave ya some eggs that were trapped in the fridge for a year... eat up, dad." Cricket said.

Cricket then walked into the kitchen, grabbed his own plate of fresh eggs, and sat next to Gramma.

"Heh, good one, Boy." Gramma snickered.

She and Cricket high-fived.

"Yes... good one, boy..." Bill said, with annoyance in his voice.

Moments later, everyone, except for Bill, ate their breakfast, and chatted.

Hours later, Bill was outside, tending to his garden. He happily smiled and hummed, as he carefully picked the ready Vegetables.

"Ah! After almost 52 days... my beautiful carrots are finally ready to be harvest!" Bill said, with cheer.

Bill happily harvested some carrots, with him reaching to grab one of his fresh watermelon.

"Ah! My watermelon's FINALLY ready to be harvest!" Bill said.

Just as he was about to grab his Watermelon, until he was interrupted.
Cricket suddenly swooped towards Bill, and swiped his hat.

"Wha-? Cricket! Gimme back my hat!" Bill demanded.

Cricket looked at him, and grabbed the axe that was used to chop wood. He raised it up, above Bill's hat.

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