What's an Ultrasound?

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A week past, and it was nearly midnight.

Nancy and Bill were sleeping in their bed, all Cuddled up comfortably.

The quiet didn't stay, however, and a banging noise disturbed Nancy, as it had woken her up.

"Ugghh..." She groggily opened her eyes, then yawned.

She didn't hear the noise after opening her eyes, so she thought she had dreamt it.
However, as she laid her head back down, the muffled banging noises were back.

This time, she knew the noises were real, as she was fully awake now.

She looked over to Bill, to which he was peacefully sleeping. She thought on waking him up, but thought against it seconds later.

Bill was sleeping on her pregnant stomach, having wanting to stay close to her and the baby.

She turned over to the clock, as it read 11:21PM, As it was very late in the night.

"Hmm..." She thought, softly.

It sounded like someone hitting a nail with a hammer, but there was no way that could be the case, since everyone else was asleep... or, so she thought.

There wasn't much she could do, but get back to sleep, which she did.

After all, tomorrow was a special day, where they go to see the gender of their unborn baby. She then softly got back into the bed, then slowly dozed off once more.

The last thing she heard before returning to her slumber, were those banging noises, which eventually faded after she ascended back to her dreams.


The sun slowly rose, as it became morning, and Nancy then slowly started to wake up, once more, this time, it was morning, instead of midnight.

She stretched, as she turned over to the clock, as it read 7:06AM.

Bill was already gone, as he had awoken earlier.

She yawned, as she stretched, and she slowly got to the side of the bed. She got to her feet, then stood out of the bed.

She then made it to the kitchen, where everyone was. Bill had made breakfast, and everyone was eating. Just as Nancy walked in, Bill greeted her.

"Mornin' you two!" He cheered hugging Nancy.

"Whoa!" She said, startled.

"Exciting daaaayy!" He cheered.

Nancy snickered.

"Come on, Bill! Your getting excited over something not worth getting excited about." She said, sitting down.

"What?! This is a BIG thing! We're gonna get to know the gender of Junior!" He replied, rubbing her stomach.

"Again, No big deal..." Gramma butted in.

"What's up with you guys?" Bill asked.

"Bill, it doesn't matter what gender the baby is! We'll still love them!" Nancy replied.

Tilly didn't even speak, she just ate her breakfast.

"Isn't it exciting to atleast know?" Bill asked.

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