First Hospital Visit!

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After a few hours, Nancy and Bill were off to the hospital. Bill drove, as Nancy sat beside him in the front. The truck drove out of the driveway, and took off, with Cricket, Tilly, and Gramma sitting in the back, along for the ride, or so, they thought.

"Ah! Isn't it nice to get out and be on the nice 'ol road?" Bill asked.

"Whatever, just here to 'support'." Gramma replied.

"It's quite exquisite, Papa! Who knew a little trip on the road could help clear the mind from stress?" Tilly asked.

Nancy turned to Tilly, tilting her head.

"Stress? Why are you stressed, sweetie?" Nancy asked.

"Well, I have been worried about Saxton, I can't find him anywhere." Tilly replied.

Gramma widened her eyes, and quickly remembered what had happened. Saxton had accidentally fell in the garbage, and Gramma forgot to tell Tilly.

"...Uh, yeah, that's sad." Gramma replied.

Bill then stopped at a redlight, which let Bill gave the time to turn around to the others.

"So, Tilly, ya wearin' the new shirt we gave ya?" Bill asked.

"I Sure am, papa!" Tilly replied, showing off her new shirt.

"Bill, why do the kids need to wear those big sibling shirts?" Nancy asked.

"To let everyone know that they're gonna be a big Brother and Sister!" Bill Replied.

Nancy rolled her eyes, smirking.

"You're ridiculous." She chuckled.

About an hour later, the Greens made it to the hospital. Tilly, Cricket, and Gramma sat down in the waiting room. Bill sat down in an examination room, where Nancy laid.
Bill sat close to her, holding her hand.

"Bill, I don't find layin' like this comfortable." Nancy said.

"It relaxes the baby." Bill replied.

The two waited for the doctor to come back, which then, Bill continued to hold Nancy's hand.
Nancy smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Ya don't HAVE to hold my hand, Bill." Nancy said.

"I know... I just wanna be near ya, so you didn't get lonely." Bill replied.

Nancy's smiled quickly changed, as she rolled on her side, and held her stomach.

"Ugh... I feel so queasy." Nancy said.

"What? You do?! Hold on! I'll get you a bucket!" Bill yelled, freaking out.

"Hush, Hush! Bill! I'm okay, no need to overreact." Nancy said.

"B-But what if you vomit on the floor?" Bill asked.

Nancy held his hand.

"I won't, don't worry." Nancy replied.

Bill then smiled, feeling relieved by her words. After about a minute later, a doctor came walking in, with a stethoscope, and a clipboard.

"Mrs.Green?" She asked.

"Yep! Get on over here!" Nancy replied.

The doctor read her clipboard, and walked up to the two.

"So, you two ready for parenthood, I hear?" The doctor asked.

"Oh, we're already in parenthood, this is our third kid." Nancy replied.

The doctor grabbed a mobile chair, and rolled over to Nancy.

"Alright, are we ready for the checkup?" The doctor asked.

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