Nancy and Cricket's Day Out!

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Nancy knocked on the door to Tilly and Crickets room.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Cricket? Are ya in there?" Nancy asked.

"No!" Cricket replied.

Nancy sighed.

"I'm coming in." Nancy said.

She then touched the doorknob, only to jerk her hand back in pain.

"Ow! The heck?!" She asked.

The doorknob was burning red, indicating that Cricket had torched the knob. Nancy walked to the kitchen, grabbed a mitten, and opened the door. As soon as she got inside, the tossed the mitten away.
She saw Cricket, who was under his covers in his hammock. He was hiding, which, he wasn't doing a very good job at.

"Aww, where'd Cricket go?" Nancy asked, playing around.

Cricket moved a little in his covers. Nancy smiled, and started walking towards the hammock, as she tried not to laugh.

"Looks like I'm just gonna have to... Find him!" She said.

Cricket didn't much react, as Nancy tip-toed over to his hammock.
After a few seconds, Nancy quickly swiped the covers off of Cricket, starling him.

"Found ya!" She giggled.

Cricket frowned, then crossed his arms and looked away. Nancy patted him on the head.

"Come on, you love that game." Nancy said.

Cricket just continued to look away, causing a Nancy to frown. She then sat with him on his hammock, and tilted her head.

"You alright?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah!" Cricket snapped, without turning to face Nancy.

Nancy slightly jump at the sudden snap.

"Come on, the Cricket I know wouldn't act like this." Nancy said.

Cricket didn't reply, just continued to look away, crossing his arms.

"What's botherin' ya? You've never been this angry at Bill." Nancy said.

"I'm NOT mad!" Cricket snapped, once more.

"Is this because of the Ice cream?" Nancy asked.

Cricket shook his head.

"Was it Bill yellin' at ya?" Nancy asked.

Cricket stood silent, again, with no response.

Nancy frowned, and grabbed his shoulder.

"...Is it because of the baby?" Nancy asked.

Cricket gasped softly, and quickly turned over to the Mother.

"What? N-No! Of course not! I'm not even Angry! I'm fine!" Cricket stuttered.

"Well, you've been acting kinda... towards your father." Nancy replied.

"I haven't been towards dad at all! I was just... testin' out his strength!" Cricket quickly lied.

"How is choppin' his hat up, Throwin' his woodcarving in the fireplace, and forcing him to eat old food 'testing his strength'?" Nancy asked.

Cricket scratched his head.

"I-I don't remember ANY of that." Cricket replied.

"What? But, ya did all that today!" Nancy said.

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