The Doctor's Visit

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After two hours, Nancy started to slowly gain consciousness.

"Oh, what happened?" She asked, weakly.

Her vision started to clear, and she was able to make out her surroundings. It was revealed to be a doctor's patient room, as she lifted her head off of something, revealing it to be a mini hospital bed.
After waiting for her vision to finally completely return, she tilted her head.

"Where am I?" Nancy asked.

Suddenly, the room door opened, revealing it to be a doctor. The doctor saw the patient sitting up, I think him greeting her.

"Hello Mrs.Green, good to see your finally wake." The doctor said.

Nancy rubbed her head as she looked at the doctor.

"Oh! I'm at a hospital!... Why am I here?" Nancy asked.

"Your family did! They brought you in saying that you were ill." The Doctor replied.

"What? Ugh! Really?" Nancy asked.

"Heck, the Grandma is still yelling at the other doctors." The Doctor said

The doctor pointed out the room, revealing Gramma. She was yelling at the doctors, trying to punch and kick them, but Bill held her back.


"Ma! They just asked if you had a flu shot!" Bill said, struggling to hold her back.

"Ugh! Look, I'm sorry for wasting your time, doc, but I'm fine." Nancy replied.

"Actually, Mrs.Green, you are not fine. Your husband told me how you were vomiting and passing out." The doctor replied.

"Ex-husband, and it's just a little flu." Nancy replied.

The doctor turned to his clipboard, then back at Nancy.

"Oh, it's more than just a flu, Mrs.Green." The doctor said.

"What? Food poisoning? Ah! I can survive a little food poisoning." Nancy replied.

"No, it is MUCH bigger than that, Mrs.Green." The doctor said.

The doctor opened his mouth, about to speak.

"Ma! Calm down!" Bill said.

"NEVER!" Gramma exclaimed.

"Go, Gramma! Kick 'em in the face!" Cricket cheered.

"Wha-? CRICKET!" Bill exclaimed.

Tilly was calmly sitting in a waiting chair, reading a magazine, quietly and happily.

"Ooh! That is a dandy picture of a person, the hair is glittery as the man is inside." Tilly said.

"Ma'am, please, calm down!" A doctor called out.

"Calm?! I'll show you calm!" Gramma exclaimed.

"Punch 'em in the back! Show them what for!" Cricket exclaimed.

"Ugh! Why isn't anyone helping me?!" Bill asked.

Suddenly, a nurse ran out, holding a tranquilizer.

"Ma'am! Calm down, or I'll have to tranquilize you!" The nurse said.

"I'd rather have my heart shocked!" Gramma exclaimed.

"I-I'm... what?" Nancy asked.

The doctor fixed his glasses, as he looked at the shocked Nancy.

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