Mystery Issue

451 7 14

Hours later, the Greens were back home, as They quickly went off doing their own thing. Cricket and Tilly were outside playing, as Gramma was outside, watching them. Bill and Nancy were inside, with Nancy sitting on the couch, as Bill stood, walking around.

"Geez, did you see how Cricket and Tilly were playin' out in public?" Bill asked, worried.

"I didn't even know they had dark minds like that." Nancy replied.

"I don't think their appropriate to raise a new kid around." Bill said.

"Come on, Bill! Don't say that! Their our kids." Nancy replied.

Bill sighed, and sat down beside of Nancy.

"I know... but, how did they learn all this violent things?" Bill asked.

"...Video games?" Nancy guessed.

"No, that can't be it. They don't really play with technology." Bill replied.

Nancy thought once more.

"...Tilly taught Cricket? I mean, I know that she can be... scary." Nancy guessed.

"That COULD be a possibility, but Cricket's use to her dark mind, he's never copied her." Bill replied.

"Geez, maybe we should just ASK them?" Nancy asked.

"You can't use ASK them, Nancy! You've gotta guess right." Bill replied.

Nancy frowned at him, crossing her arms. Bill then got up, and peeked out of the window, along with Nancy, and examined the kids.

"Alright, so, maybe we can dig for more treasure!" Cricket said.

Tilly looked at him, holding tons of Gold and Diamonds.

"Yeah, we should! I found all of this useless stuff." Tilly replied.

Tilly threw all of the stuff she held off in the streets, where people jumped on and fought over.

"Here, let's go and dig near the old treehouse." Cricket replied.

The two grabbed shovels, and happily ran off to the backyard.

Gramma rolled her eyes.

"Third time they threw away a new luxury life." Gramma said, mostly in relief.

Bill and Nancy walked away from the window.

"Uh, that doesn't really seem 'Violent', but I guess that was a one-time-thing." Bill said.

Nancy sighed in relief.

However, they heard shouting, and they quickly rushed to the backyard door. They opened it and saw the two violently hitting a Toy Frog with their shovels.

"Take that! And that!" Cricket yelled.

The toy Frog squeaked everytime the two hit it. The Chickens and Cow watched in horror.
Bill and Nancy shut the door, and quickly looked at eachother.

"THAT was disturbing." Nancy said.

"I just don't get it! Why are they bein' like this?!" Bill asked.

"Aw, geez! Are they angry?" Nancy asked.

Bill walked over to the couch, and sat down beside of Nancy, who sat beside him, too.

"What is there to be angry about? They were happy about the new baby news." Nancy replied.

"Well, maybe it's about dessert. I DID take dessert away from them for a month." Bill said.

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