Two Days Later

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Two days had passed ever since the doctors visit, and Nancy was all alone in her Trailer. After making the decision onto not tell her family, she kept it secret. She was thinking of eventually telling them, but she wanted it to be the exact right time.
A late evening, as it was getting darker do to the nearby nighttime, Nancy laid in her bed, and stared at the ceiling.

"To be, or not to be." Nancy said, as she picked petals off a flower.

Nancy hasn't left the trailer for two days straight, as she feared of being asked by anyone if she was pregnant, even though she didn't look it, she had a strong fear of being asked. She canceled all her plans with the family, saying that she was still sick, which was half-true, as she would vomit twice a day.
After picking all the petals off the flower, Nancy sighed.

"Okay, Okay. So, pregnant. Preg-na-nt! Such a weird word." Nancy told herself.

She tossed the flower away, the laid her head on her arms.

"This is a pretty scary thing, a third kid? Okay, not... bad." Nancy said.

She slowly got up, and stretched, then yawned.

"Three kids ain't bad. I mean, back in the country, lots of my ol' pals had three kids, and they seemed to have it all under control." Nancy said.

Suddenly, as she was walking off, she passed a mirror, with her backing up back to the mirror.

"Ooh! You DO look like you could be a great mother of three." Nancy said.

The mirror stood right in front of her, as she walked back farther away. She lifted up her shirt and looked at her stomach, which didn't look any different than before.

"Hm..." Nancy said.

She put her hand on her stomach, and then smiled.

"Hmm. Another kid? This is a big step! I mean, Who wouldn't want to have a miracle be made in them? Heh!" Nancy said, smiling.

Her smile then turned into a worried frown.

"But... Will I be able to keep it? In this tiny trailer?" Nancy asked.

She sat down back on her bed, then lifted an eyebrow.

"Aw, man. There's a lot of things to think about here..." Nancy said.

She then turned over to her phone, and started to ponder.

"I COULD tell everyone the truth, but, I don't want anything bad to happen, Bill can't handle a big surprise like this, the guy almost faints from the sight of blood!" Nancy said.

She then heard her stomach growl softly, realizing it to be hunger.

"Hungry, eh? I think I got some soup in the fridge. Bill did say soup is healthy for pregnancy, he said that when I was pregnant with Tilly." Nancy said.

She then held onto her bed, and helped herself up, trying not to get dizzy from the sudden jump. After waiting a minute, she got to her feet, then walked into her mini kitchen. She slowly opened the refrigerator, and stuck her head inside, tons of things were inside, like leftover S'more's, Pizza, Cake, Soda, Milk, and even some carrots.

"Hmm, it's gotta be in here, somewhere..." Nancy said.

She moved passed the other foods, looking for her target. After moving a few items, other things like Half a Pumpkin Pie, and some leftover Pizza Pockets. Other than that, it was empty.

"You gotta be kidding me... Where's my soup?" Nancy asked.

After a few more minutes of searching, Nancy came out empty-handed. It felt like someone stole her Soup, which Made her confused and curious.

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