Sudden Relief

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A few hours later, it was now 9AM, and Remy was sitting at the dinner table, as he had already changed out of his pajamas, and into his normal red sweater.
Vasquez was making Pancakes, as Remy requested, as he cooked with his normal pink apron.

"The Pancakes are almost ready, Master Remy!" Vasquez said.

"Okay, Vasquez!" Remy replied.

Remy sat at the table, as it was mostly empty, since his parents were out working, and Vasquez was making breakfast. However, he was use to that. What he wasn't use to, was Cricket being late for Breakfast. Even though they didn't live together, Remy knew a lot about his friend, which the one thing he knew, Cricket wouldn't ever skip breakfast.

"Would you like syrup on your pancakes, Master Remy?" Vasquez asked.

"You know it!" Remy replied.

After a few more seconds of sitting alone at the table, he suddenly heard Running, knowing it was Cricket.
He turned around.

"Cricket?" Remy asked.

He turned to see Cricket, with a happy-go-lucky smile placed on his face.

"Mornin' Remy!" He cheered.

Cricket happily hopped on the chair next to Remy, with his normal overalls on.

"Wow! Your happy, huh?" Remy asked.

"Darn tootin'! I've got more energy than a Monkey who drank an energy drink!" Cricket said.

Remy smiled, then hugged Cricket, who hugged back.

"Aww! I'm assuming your feeling better?" Remy asked.

"Yep! I guess all I needed was a night away from my family." Cricket replied.

Moments later, Vasquez walked in, carrying two plates of high-stacked Pancakes, with a slice of butter on the very top, covered in maple syrup. He slowly placed the plates down, however, Cricket quickly grabbed the player of pancakes, and started scarfing them straight down.

"Whoa! Master Cricket, you must be hungry!" Vasquez said.

"Yep! I've got a hungry belly!" Cricket replied, before throwing his head back into the pancakes.

Remy smiled, as he saw his friend become happy.

"Aww, and it was just yesterday he was crying on my shoulder." Remy replied.

Remy then grabbed his fork, and took a piece of his pancakes, and ate it. Remy ate slowly, as Cricket was eating as quickly as he possibly could. Vasquez was a little confused, on how Cricket would suddenly become happy in one night. However, he shrugged it off, and got to his feet.

"Would you both like some milk?" Vasquez asked.

"Of course!" Remy replied.

"Duh!" Cricket replied, with his voice being muffled by the food he stuffed in his mouth.

Vasquez nodded, then headed back to the kitchen.
Remy continued to slowly eat his pancakes, as he turned over to Cricket, he saw that he was already done with his food, and he burped.

"Well... you were hungry." Remy said.

"Haha! Alright! I won the eating contest." Cricket said.

Remy tilted his head.

"...I didn't know we were having a contest." Remy replied, confused.

"Eh, don't be a sore loser, bud." Cricket replied, patting Remy on the shoulder.

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