Next Morning at the Greens

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The next morning, As the sun rose, the Rooster stood on the chicken coop and crowed as every morning.
Bill and the others were already up, but Nancy was still snoring away in the bed. Phoenix slept beside her, having taking Bill's spot after he had got up.
Bill didn't get much sleep, as Nancy twisted and turned, and loudly snored.

"Alright! Eat up!" Cricket said.

Cricket poured burnt bacon and crunchy eggs on everyone's plates, indicating that he had made the breakfast.

Tilly and Gramma dug in without questions, and Cricket gave some to Bill, who was dozing off.

"Alrighty! Everyone eat up! I made everything very well done, so you don't accidentally eat them raw and get sick!" Cricket said.

Cricket faceplanted into his plate, and gobbled everything up, quickly.

"Omnomnomnomnomnom!" He loudly ate.

Bill yawned, and started to lean forward, about to fall in his food.

"Papa? Papa!" Tilly said.

"Huh-? What?" He asked, waking right back up.

"Dang boy, ya almost fell in your plate! Didn't ya get much sleep last night?" Gramma asked.

Bill yawned, and rubbed his eyes.

"Not much." Bill replied.

"Aww, Papa, do you need help wakin' up?" Tilly asked.

Bill yawned once more, and smiled.

"That sounds sweet, Tilly. Are ya gonna make me coffe-!" Bill started.


Cricket suddenly blasted an air horn in Bills ears.

"WAAAAAHHH!" Bill yelled, holding his now ringing ears.

"Ooh, that was actually not what I was thinking..." Tilly said.

Nancy, who was asleep seconds before, just scared out of bed, as she fell to the floor.

"Whoa!" Nancy yelped, startled.

She fell on a pillow fort, which Bill made, in case she fell down. Nancy had a comfortable fall.

"What the-?" Nancy asked.

She saw that the entire floor was covered in pillows, and she sighed.

"Bill..." She said, rolling her eyes.

Phoenix was startled out of the room, rushing into Gramma's room, where it was quiet.

"Cricket! What did I say about that AIRHORN?!" Bill asked.

Cricket snickered.

"I always held onto it, in case I get a chance to use it." Cricket replied.

"You probably woke up your mother!" Bill angrily said.

Before anyone else could say another word, Nancy walked in, holding a pillow.

"Bill, why are there pillows all over the bedroom floor?" Nancy asked, curiously.

"In case you fell." Bill replied.

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