Forgiveness... and Grounding

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For what felt like hours, but was only 30 minutes, The Greens sat in the hospital waiting room. The fear for Cricket's life was built up to the roof. Gramma sat and frowned in worry, Tilly walked around in circles, covering her mouth in shock, Nancy was covering her face, tearing up, as Bill held her.

"Ohh... Cricket, Please be okay..." Bill muttered.

They knew Cricket could be a rebel, but they didn't expect him to go this far. All they could do is hope and pray for his healthy return.

The scene of him being carried out to an ambulance on a stretcher would forever haunt them if he didn't pull through.

"My poor Shug..." Nancy whimpered.

"Shh... Shh... This isn't your fault." He shushed her comfortingly.

Tilly grabbed her hair, and pulled it, in stress.

"IT'S NOT YOU'RE FAULT! IT'S MINE!" She screamed out.

The entire waiting room, which was full of people, became quiet, as everyone turned to Tilly.
Her sudden outburst was so random, not even murmuring was heard.

Bill, Nancy, and Gramma all turned to Tilly.

"What?" They all asked, in unison.

She stammered her words, but just ended up covering her crying eyes, before running off.

"Tilly-?!" Bill started.

He was interrupted by her, running past them, along with others.

"Tilly!!" Bill cried out.

The three got up to chase her, but Bill put his hand infront of them.

"You two, stay here, tell me when we get news about Cricket. I'll go get Tilly." He said.

They sat back down, as Bill ran off in the same direction as Tilly.

"TILLY!" He cried her name.

He ran past other patients, along with visitors, and followed on Tilly's track. His heavy shoes make a loud thump everytime he took a step on the hardwood floors.

He was able to get a glimpse of Tilly, before she ran around the corner.

"Tilly!" He cried out, once more.

Tilly didn't stop, neither did Bill, who slid around the corner, nearly sliding into the wall. He continued to stay on her trail.

After turning another corner, Bill got her in his sights, as she ran down the hall infront of him.

"TILLY! SWEETIE! HOLD ON!" He cried across the room, locking his eyes on Tilly.

"I DON'T DESSERVE TO BE CALLED 'SWEETIE'!" She cried back, as she continued to run down the hallways, crying, as tears fell to the ground.

After almost slamming in the wall again, he kept his eyes on Tilly. It seemed she was running slower and slower, running out of energy quickly.

However, She then jumped over a receptionists desk, and hopped over a person who was talking to her.

"Whoa!" The two said.

Bill gasped, but gave a determined frown. He inhaled, then tried jumping over the desk the same way... but ended up falling on the receptionist.

"Ow!" She cried.

He quickly got up, and helped her up, before running off again.

Tilly was still on the run, somehow receiving enough energy to run faster.

Big City Greens - Unexpected!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora