An Antidote? (Edited) (Re-uploaded)

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The next morning, Nancy was up, as she was sitting on the couch watching TV. She was eating a tub of ice cream, as she watched the TV. Bill, Tilly, and Gramma were still fast asleep, since Nancy was the first to wake up.
She was watching the cooking channel, as the cooks were making Halloween-event Foods.

"Now, you're task is to make a Bat carved out of Pumpkin!" A Chef said.

"Ew, nobody even eats pumpkin." The Contestant said.

"Amen." Nancy replied, before slipping another spoon of ice cream into her mouth.

Nancy then reached for the remote, which she grabbed within a few seconds, and clicked to the next channel. The next channel was the nature channel, and it showed a Cheetah running.

"Dang! That Big Cat is fast! If it came by my house, I'd kill it." The Narrator said. (Get the Reference? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Nancy rolled her eyes, and clicked the next channel, which was a fashion show.

"Next up is Daisy! As she's showing off her new dress! The dreamcatcher!" The TV narrated.

Nancy snickered.

"Who even needs wedding dresses, nowadays? Can't even leave the house to go have one." Nancy replied.

Meanwhile, in Gramma's room, Gramma was asleep in her chair, with the same dress show playing on her TV.

"Let's see... is there anything good on?" Nancy asked.

Nancy continued to flip through the channels, with not much sparking her interest.

"No... No... Nope... Nu-Uh..." She muttered.

After about a few more seconds, Nancy was startled by a shadow appearing behind her, causing her to jump.

"Eep!" She yelped.

It was Bill, and he was yawning and rubbing his eye. After seeing who it was, Nancy sighed in relief.

"Geez, ya scared me, Bill." Nancy replied.

"Nancy, why are ya up so early?" Bill asked.

"Got hungry, found ice cream, saw TV, turned On." Nancy quickly explained.

Bill sighed, as he saw the tub of Ice Cream in her hand.

"Nance, ya shouldn't have ice cream for breakfast, that ain't healthy." Bill said.

"Why do you care?!" Nancy suddenly snapped.

Nancy realized that she snapped at Bill, then covered her mouth in shock.

"...Sorry, that was the hormones talkin'." Nancy replied.

"If we want to have a healthy baby, then we must have a healthy diet! Sure, junk food is alright once in a while, but since all you've been eatin' is junk, you could harm the baby." Bill said.

Nancy slowly looked at the tub of ice cream.

"Oh... guess I never thought of it that way..." Nancy replied.

Bill took the tub away, then snuggled up beside of Nancy.

"Here, we can go to the bookstore later and grab a few books about pregnancy, and what to eat while pregnant." Bill replied.

"Oh, No! I'm not goin' anywhere near any bookstore or library, not after that last encounter with that creepy old lady." Nancy replied.

Bill shuddered.

"Ugh, tell me about it." Bill replied.

Nancy looked down, and yawned.

"Well, I guess I'll head back to bed. Me and the kid are tired as heck." Nancy said, patting her belly.

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