No Longer A Green?

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Tilly walked back in the house, as she close the backdoor behind her. She sighed, then walked off to the living room, where Nancy, Bill, and Gramma were. Nancy was clutching a bucket as she shook with paleness. She had been very sick, and Bill stayed by her side.
Tilly walked up and hopped beside Bill, with him quickly noticing.

"Oh, Heya, Tilly!" Bill said.

"Greetings, papa." Tilly replied.

"Did you put that Rooster out?" Bill asked.

"Yep." Tilly replied.

Moments later, The three adults turned to the TV, watching their show. A drama was on, which Tilly didn't much care for. However, knowing that everyone else was into it, she shrugged and watched along.

"Why must you lie?!" A woman said.

"I am apologizing for my inappropriate manners, dear!" A man said.

The four watched for a few minutes, before Nancy gagged, and vomited into her bucket. All Bill could do was rub her back. The noises she made grossed Gramma out, and so she turned off her hearing aid, then smiled in relief.

Blaugh! Blech! Blach! Blaugh! Blech!

After about a few seconds of vomiting, Nancy threw her head on the couch, gasping for air.

"I-I shouldn't have eaten tons of those junk food." Nancy weakly said.

"I KNEW you ate junk food!" Bill said.

Tilly sat on the couch pondering to herself.

"How will I ever tell everyone about Cricket runnin' away? Do I lie? Wait, lyin' is wrong!... but, it's for Cricket." Tilly thought loudly in her mind.

She knew sooner or later, they're gonna notice Cricket's absence, and she tried her hardest to think of something to say.
Her worries were right, as Gramma spoke up, asking the question she feared.

"Where's the boy?" Gramma asked.

Everyone except Tilly looked around the room, curious as Gramma.

"Say, where is Cricket?" Bill asked.

Tilly sat still, nervously sweating.

"What do I tell 'em? What do I tell 'em? What do I tell 'em? What do I tell 'em? What do I tell 'em? What do I tell 'em?" She thought.

Before she panicked, a lie struck in her head... which wasn't as much of a lie.

"He went to Remy's for a Sleepover." Tilly said.

She was nervous for everyone's reactions, thinking they would become concerned.
But her fear was neutralized when she saw Nancy sigh in relief.

"Phew! A sleepover? Not much of a concern." Nancy said.

"But, Nancy, I was suppose to talk to 'em." Bill said.

"Aw! Come on, Bill, it's just a sleepover. You can talk to him when he gets back." Nancy replied.

Bill thought for a moment, then nodded his head, understanding.

"Since when does the boy ever have a sleepover? Speakin' of which, why'd he go without tellin' us?" Gramma asked.

"...H-He was... Uh, He was invited, and forgot to tell you." Tilly stuttered, making up a lie.

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