Part 29

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'Are you sure you aren't hurt?'  I ask Bailey and pull her up.

'I'm fine, Isac.' She replies and chuckles. 'You don't have to be so concerned about me. I'm a big girl.' 

'A big girl? Yeah sure.'  I grab her waist and lift her up bridal style. I swing her around. She starts laughing.

'Isac put me down!' She says and tries to get away from my grip. But I'm too strong.

'Nope. I'm never going to let you go.' I say teasingly. She drums with her fists on my chest.

'Let me gooooo! Now!'  She yells and laughs even harder.

'Okay, okay.'  I reply and put her down. She immediately runs away. 'Heeyy!'  I start running after her.

'You'll never get me!'  She screams and sticks her tongue out at me.

'No?' I say and run as fast as I can. I get her easily. 'Hello!'  I jump in front of her.

'Ugh, you're too fast!'  She says and groans. I smirk at her. 'You dork.'

'What am I?'  I ask and start tickling her.

'I said that you are amazing!'  She replies between laughs. I stop tickling her.

'Mmmm. It didn't sound like that.'  I say teasingly.

'Stop teasing me.'  She hits my cheek softly. I look into her eyes. I could get lost in them forever. Suddenly she smashes her lips on mine. She kisses me with so much passion. Then she pulls me in for a hug and buries her face in my shoulder. 'You're perfect.' She whispers causing me to smile uncontrollably.

-Next Monday-


 *Beep beep beep*

I open my eyes and put off my alarm clock. 7AM. Ugh. School. But, Isac's going to pick me up and we're going to sit next to each other again so school will be much more fun! I step out of bed and do my daily routine. Clothes, hair, makeup. Then I run down the stairs to eat breakfast.

'Morning!' I say happily when I walk into the kitchen.

'Morning.' Mom replies. I sit down opposite of her. 'We have to talk but we'll do that after school so don't take any friends with you. Oh and tell Amy and Tris too.'

'About what?' I ask and frown.

'Your dad and I.' She replies and stands up. 'I have to go to work now, bye.' She kisses my cheek and leaves. Her and dad? Oh no...

'Why so shocked?' Amy walks into the kitchen.

'Mom wants to talk with us after school. About her and dad...' I answer and look at Amy.

'Sooo?' She asks and sits down next to me.

'Don't take any friends.' I say and stand up.

'Why so shocked then?' She asks again.

'It's nothing.' I reply and walk upstairs to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and grab my bag. I hear the door bell ring. That must be Isac. I run down the stairs and open the door.

'Hey!' He says happily and kisses my cheek.

'Hey!' I say fake happy. Mom just ruined my happy mood. What if she's going to tell us that we're really moving back to Holland? I would love to move back but WITH Isac. But Isac can't come with us ofcourse. So I don't want to move back. I love him way too much to leave him. I put on my jacket and we walk out of the door.

Moving to EnglandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin