Part 8

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'Beep beep beep!!" Ugh... My alarm clock. I put it of and look at what time it is. 'I can sleep for another 30 minutes.' I say to myself and close my eyes again.

'Wake up honey!! You have to be on school in 20 minutes!' My mom shakes my shoulders to make me awake.

'What?!' Okay I'm really stressed right now. I put my school uniform on as fast as I can and grab my bag. I walk to the bathroom and fix my long blonde hair a little. I wash my face and decide not to put make-up on since I don't have very much time. I run downstairs.

'Bye mom!' I say and run out of the front door. I start running to school. 'OK. I'm almost there.' I whisper to myself. I run across the street and BAM!

'Ahhhh!' I scream and I start to cry. A man just rode full against me with his bike.

'I'm sorry.' 'The man says and just drives away. What an idiot. I look at my knee and see that there's a huge cut in it. I start crying even louder.

'Hey, are you okay? You can't just sit in the middle of the street.' I hear a boy say. He sounds very familiar to me. He reaches out his hand to help me. I look up to see his face. No way...

'Omg... Are you like... like...' I stutter.

'Hi I'm Isac. Nice to meet you.'

'OMG! I know who you are! I love you!!' I take his hand and stand up. I look at his face. Yes, it's really him. I can't help it but I start hugging him very tight.


I look at the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen in my whole life. The girl grabs my hand to get herself up and starts hugging me. I hug her back. She said she loves me so she is probably a fan of mine.

'Are you like... An Ellioteer?' I ask her.

'Yes, I love you so much Isac.' she says. 'But what are you doing in England?'

'I just moved to here a couple days ago. I tweeted it. Have you not seen that?' I ask her.

'No we don't have a wifi connection. But where is your house then? And where do you go to school?' She has  a lot of questions but I answer them all. We find out that we're on the same school.

'We have to go to school now! We are gonna be late!" The girl says stressed.

'First of all I don't even know your name and second of all you can't go to school like this. There's a huge cut in your knee. Come to my house so we can clean it up a little. My mom will call the school for us then.' I say to reassure her.

'Okay then. My name is Bailey by the way.' She says looking down at her feet. She is so shy it's so cute.

'Beautiful name. Bailey. Let's go to my house then.'' I say while smiling at her. I grab her hand and we walk over to my house. She can't walk so fast because of that cut in her knee.

'Are you okay? Does it hurt?' I ask her worried.

She starts crying again. 'It hurts so much Isac you don't even know..." I look at her face and see the pain in her facial expression. I put her arm around my neck so she can lean on me. She smiles. Oh god her smile. I don't know what it is but this girl has something very special and it's driving me crazy. We finally reach my house. I open the door with my key. My mom walks into the hallway.

'Isac what happened?!' She asks while looking at Bailey. She's still crying.

'This girl had a little accident and as you can see she has a huge cut on her knee. Can you help her mom?'' I ask her.

'Ofcourse! Come on in!' My mom carries Bailey into the kitchen.

'I'm sorry but can you put off your tights?' My mom asks Bailey.

Bailey puts her tights off while crying even harder. I see on her face that it's hurts a lot. I grab a chair for her and she sits down. I grab a chair to and sit next to her. I put my arm around her and start rubbing her back. She smiles at me with tears in her eyes. A tear slides down her cheek but I wipe it off. My mom begins to clean the cut. Bailey put her hands on her face. I hug her. My mom sticks a plaster on the cut.

'Mom can you call school that we're not coming today?' I ask while smiling at her. She smiles back and tosses my hair. Then she walks to the living room to call school.

'Mom my hair!' I say while looking sarcastically mad at her.

Bailey starts laughing. I join her. She so cute when she laughs.


I'm at Isac Elliots house! Wait what? I act normal on the outside but on the inside I'm freaking out. Maybe I act normal because my knee hurts a lot? He still has his arm around me. It feels good. He's so sweet.

'You should smile more often. It's cute.' Isac says while smiling at me. I look down while blushing. Omg I'll probably look like an idiot right now.

'Aww are you blushing?' He puts his vinger under my chin and lifts my head towards him. 'That's cute.'

I smile at him. 'Thank you for all the help Isac. I may act normal but on the inside I'm freaking out because I'm sitting next to you, in your house. And you are  ISAC ELLIOT!'

'I know you are. But I'm used to it.' He smiles at me. Omg he's so freaking adorable when he smiles. He has this hot messy hair and those beautiful brown eyes. oh no, I'm not falling in love with him right?

'I should probably go home now.' I stand up and start walking to the hallway. Isac grabs my hand.

'Or.... We could watch a movie in my room?' He starts blushing.

'Okay that's good I guess.' I say. 'But first I have to call my mom.'

After I gave my mom a call and told her everything about my meeting with Isac, we walk to his bedroom. It's nice. Not to big, not to small. Just like mine. The only difference is that he has a tv in his room. And i don't have that...

'What movie should we watch? The hunger games or something?' He asks.

'Yes I like that one.' I have already seen that 2 times but it never gets boring. We sit down on his bed. While watching the movie he slightly moves closer to me. Our shoulders and legs are touching and I get a warm feeling all over my body. We don't say anything while we are watching the movie which is a little bit awkward. When it ends Isac finally starts talking to me.

'OK maybe it's a little to early but I feel something special. I feel like... I like you Bailey.' I look at him like he just said the weirdest thing in the world.

'You li- like me?' I ask him.


Authors note;

Sooo... I think the story is going to be much more fun now. haha. I had a lot of homework actually but I was like fuck them so here's part 8 :)

Hope you like it!I love you guys. oh and I haven't write about it yet and I know I'm a little bit late but OMG FOLLOW ME IS PERFECT!!! Isac did a really good job!! I can't stop listening to it haha. Tell me your favorite song in the comments.

luv y'allll!!!!


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