Part 36

270 12 4

*skip some weeks*
(Its saturday morning btw)


'You have to tell me someday!' I yell at Isac.

'Yes, but not now okay?!' He yells back. I turn around and run out of the house. Why can't he just tell me what's wrong? I'm his girlfriend and I'm here for him. So why can't he just tell me? I'm sure that it is about Nicky. I'll ask her instead...

I walk back to Isac's house and press the door bell. Surprisingly Nicky opens the door.

'Isac's in his room.' She says moody.

'I'm not here for him. I'm here for you.'

'For me?' She asks and frowns.

'Yeah, can we talk?' I ask and step over the doorstep.

'Uhm okay?'

We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

'Something to drink?' Nicky asks.

'No, thanks.' I reply.


'What did you do to Isac?' I ask and look into her eyes.

'What do you mean?'

'You and him are acting weird around each other and he said that if he'd tell me, I won't be safe. And you told him that.'

'So he told you huh?' Nicky asks bitchy.

'No, he only told me that I won't be safe.' I reply.

'Well, he's right.'

'Why?' I scream. 'Can't you fucking tell me?! Don't you see he's stressed and scared all the time?!' I stand up from the couch and yell at her. I'm getting angry for real now!

'You don't have to know.' Nicky tells me and looks arrogant at me.

'You fucking bitch.' I hit her cheek.

'Aah! Are you fucking crazy?!' She yells and jumps up.

'What the hell is wrong here?!' Linda runs in and grabs Nicky's arms and pulls her away from me.

'She fucking hit me!' Nicky yells.

'Yeah, because you're a bitch! Acting nice at first but no, you're a fucking bitch!' I scream.

'Nicky to your room! Bailey and I have to talk.' Linda says. She let go of Nicky and she runs away. 'Sit down.' Linda points at the couch. I sit down and look at my feet. 'So tell me.'

'There's something wrong between Nicky and Isac. Isac is stressed and scared and he said if he'd tell me what Nicky did, I won't be safe.' I explain. 'I want to know. I could help him!'

'I understand. I noticed it too. I don't know it either but we can't wait longer. I'll get Isac from upstairs and we'll ask him, okay?' Linda asks.

'Okay then.' I reply. Linda walks into the hallway. After a few minutes she comes back with Isac. He sits down on the other couch and looks down.

'Isac, what's wrong? You have to tell us now.' Linda says strictly.

'Why do you want to know?' Isac asks, looking scared.

'Look at yourself.' I say. 'I want the old happy, funny and energetic Isac back!'

'Okay, whatever. I'll tell you. But don't complain when Nicky does stupid things!' Isac says.

'Okay, go ahead.' Linda replies and we look at him.

'Well, uhm...' He sighs and takes a deep breath. 'Before Nicky moved to the USA I told her that we couldn't be friends anymore because she would live so far away. So then she became very angry obviously.'

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