Part 32

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I don't know why I did that. Okay I actually do. I just don't think that it will work out. Bailey in Holland and me in England. The last time we were apart she cheated on me... She'll probably find someone else soon enough...

I open the front door and put my jacket and shoes off. Then I walk into the living room. My dad's reading a book on the couch.

'Where are mom and Ava?' I ask.

'Walking with Fifty and Lasse. Where were you?'

'Outside.' I grab a banana and sit down on the couch.

'Yeah, but what were you doing?' Dad asks and looks up from his book.

'Just skateboarding.' I lie and put the tv on. He doesn't have to know that I broke up with her. After watching tv for a hour I decide to go to bed. I have school tomorrow. Ugh.


WHY THE HELL DID HE DO THAT? I thought he really loved me... But obviously he didn't. Well, now there's no need to stay in England anymore so I'll just go with my family.  I fucking wanted to run away for him! I thought that we would always stay together. What did I do wrong?

'Hey beauty. What's wrong?' I feel a hand on my back. I look up and see Max. Can't he just fuck off!?

'None of your business!' I yell and run away. Back home.


'Bailey, pack your things now!' Mom screams. I'm sitting on my bed. Crying. Fuck my life.

'Okayyy!' I scream back. I grab my suitcase and start pulling all my clothes out of my closet. I don't have to go to school tomorrow because we have to pack everything. Today it's Wednesday and we're going to fly on Friday 14:00. I put some clothes apart that I want to wear tomorrow and Friday and I put the rest of them in my suitcase. Yes, my suitcase is big. After that I pull all of my posters off my wall and put them in my fan map thingy. I look at the picture of Isac and I on my wall. I pull it off and sit down on my bed. It's a picture from New Year's Eve. I have my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. He holds my thighs so I don't fall down. We look at each other, smiling happily. It's a cute picture. A tear drops down on the picture. I wipe it off and fall down on my bed, while still looking at the picture. Why did he have to break up? I start crying again. I just love him so fucking much!

-skip one month!-

'Shall we go to the cinema on Friday?' Carmen asks me.

'No, I can't.' I answer moody.


'Reasons.' I grab my bike and start cycling home. These past weeks have been the worst weeks of my entire life. I'm still thinking about Isac everyday. He texted me a couple times but I didn't reply. It's better if I don't talk to him anymore. I want to get him out of my head right? Do I? I don't even know. Oh and at home... Well, mom and dad have been acting so annoying! They're kissing and stuff all the time. It's so bad that it almost looks fake!

Ugh. Just ugh.

Oh and Amy and Tristan are so happy and don't seem to see that mom and dad are so annoying. Well, I got to love my life.

I open the front door of my house and walk into the hallway. I just want to scream that I'm home when I hear someone yelling from the living room.

'Oh shut up Eric! Do you think I'm blind?! Go fuck with her! I'm gone!' My mom screams and runs into the hallway. I hide myself in the toilet. First they're super in love and now they're screaming at each other again? And what means "Go fuck with her"?

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