Part 15

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I wake up because my mom is singing to me.

'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Bailey... Happy birthday to you!'

OMG. I just forget my own birthday... Anyways, it's my birthday today! After that I came home yesterday, I ate dinner and I went straight to bed. I was so tired. Oh and now I realize that I was sleeping in Isac clothes. And I slept so well! They smell like him and I love that :)

'Good morning sweety! We have presents for you!' My mom says.

'Wow wow. I just woke up! Not so fast please!' I reply and laugh. My brother walks in with a huge box. "Wow what's that?!''  I ask surprised.

'Open it!' Amy says. So I open the huge box. There are shredded newspapers in it. So I start to dig and find the first gift: a victoria secret body spray!

'Aww, thanks!' I say happily.

'There's more in it!' Tristan says and points at the box. So I start to dig again. The second gift is a dark red lipstick from MAC. The third giftt is a nailpolish that fits with my lipstick.

'OMG! Thanks!! I wanted that lipstick for so long!' I start to dig again and find a little box. I open it and see a beautiful necklace and earrings. 'Ohh...' I whisper. On the string of the necklace is a little silver heart with a diamond in it. The earrings are little silver diamonds aswell.

'Look, there's a little note in the box!' Tristan says. Underneath the necklace there's a little note. I read it.

'For my beautiful girl. Love, Isac xx' It says.

'Omg.... He's so sweet...' My eyes become watery.

'There's one thing left honey.' My mom says. Another thing? omg... I start digging again. At the bottom of the big box I find an envelop. There's a letter in it. I read it.

'Hello sweety!

Today is your 14th birthday. We want to celebrate that on a very special way. Put your prettiest clothes on. Then you will be taken to a beauty salon. There, you will get a beauty treatment. When that's done, there's another surprise waiting for you. Oh, and don't forget your new lipstick and nailpolish!

Love, all of us!'

'Where do you wait for honey? Hurry up!' My mom says and winks at me. Amy, Tristan and my mom walk out of my room and I do what the letter says. I put black tights , a black skater skirt with flowers, a white sweater and my cute black boots on. And ofcourse the necklace and earrings. And I take a little bag with my lipstick, nailpolish and a dark red bow for in my hair in it with me. I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth and then I go downstairs. Since I get a beauty treatment, I don't put make-up on.

'I'm done mom!' I yell. My mom walks into the hallway.

'You look beautiful. Let's go!' She says. We walk out of the front door and there's a car waiting for us. Probably a taxi. We step into the car and the car driver drives us to the beauty salon. When we arrive, we step out. Then we walk in the salon.

'Hello, you must be Bailey.' A women walks towards us and shakes my hand. 'You can sit here. Then I will put some very pretty make-up on you. And we will curl your hair.'

'Oh really?! That's so cool!' I say happily. I sit down in the chair. My mom, Amy and Tristan walk to the back of the salon. The women starts with my make-up.

'My name is Anna by the way. I will tell you what I'm gonna put on your face OK sweety?' The women named Anna says.

'Okay. I'm very excited!' I say and laugh. Anna laughs too.

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