Part 16

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*Christmas Eve*


Tonight I'm going to spend with Bailey because we can't be together on Christmas Day. We're going to spend that day with our own families.

'Mom, I'm going to Bailey!' I yell to upstairs. 'Can I sleep there too?'' My mom walks down the stairs.

'Uhh, yeah I think so. But be home tomorrow at 11 am. We're going to eat a Christmas breakfast then.' she says and kisses my forehead. 'Have fun.'

'Ok! See ya tomorrow!' I hug my mom and walk out of the house. I grab my bike and start cycling to Baileys house. After 10 minutes I'm there. I ring the doorbell. Bailey opens the door. I put my bags on the ground and lift her up. I kiss her all over her face. On her nose, forehead, both cheeks and lips.

'I missed you!' I say and hug her.

'Woww. That was nice, haha. I missed you too.' she says and winks at me.  'Bring your stuff upstairs. I'll grab some drinks for us. And my mom made a delicious pie.'

'Okay, be right back.' I say and run upstairs. I put my bags in her room. It's a bit creepy when you see some posters of yourself on the wall, haha. I run down the stairs again. But then I fall down. 'Auww' I scream.

'OMG. What happened?' Bailey runs into the hallway. She sees me sitting on the floor. I must look very stupid. She starts laughing. 'What the hell did you do, idiot?' she says and grabs my hand. I pull myself up.

'I sort of fell down the stairs.' I say and look embarrassed at my feet.

'You idiot, haha. Are you okay?' she says and kisses my nose.

'Yeah, I'm okay. So do you have some pie for me now?' I wink at her and walk into the living room.

'Don't be so greedy!' Bailey says and runs after me. She jumps on my back. I grab her legs so she doesn't fall off. I run around the living room. She starts laughing. 'Hahahha, Isac put me down.'

'Okay, okay.' I put her down on the couch and sit on her lap.

'Isac, I should sit on your lap instead of you sitting on mine. You are so weird, like seriously.' She pushes me off her lap.

'I'm sorry "miss I am perfect" ' I say and act bitchy.

'Ugh, you act like a girl.' She says and starts eating her pie.

'Ugh, you're so boring.' I say and start eating my pie too. She looks at me and bursts into laughter. I start laughing too. Tears are streaming down our faces. Then suddenly, Elissa walks in.

'Wow, are you two OK?' She asks. We both shake our heads. 'So I guess so.' She looks at us with a confused face. ' You guys are pretty weird. You know that?'

'Ye- yes.' I say while still laughing.

'What's so funny?' She asks again.

'I don't know. We were just teasing each other.' Baileys says. 'No but seriously, we should stop laughing now because nothing's funny.' She looks at me.

'Ehh, yeah...' I lean in and kiss her.

'Wow. With stop laughing I didn't mean start making out with each other.' Elissa says and laughs. I stop kissing Bailey. We hear the door bell.

'I'll open the door.' Bailey says and walks into the hallway.


I open the door and see Brandon.

'Hi, I haven't speak to you in a while!' I say and smile at him. 'What's up?'

'Hi, I just wanted to say that I like you Bailey.' He says and grabs my waist.

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