Part 20

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'NOOOO!' I scream. I run towards her. She lays on the ground with her eyes closed. A man steps out of his car.

'I'm so so so sorry!' He says. 'Is she alive?!' I put my hand over her chest. I feel her heartbeat.

'Yes she is.' I say.

'BAILEY?!' Her family runs to us. Her mom kneels down. 'Eric, call the ambulance!' She says and rubs Baileys cheek. 'How could that happen?' She asks me while tears are streaming down her face.'

'I-I don't know. She just ran towards you and the car rode full against her.' I say. Tears flow down my face.

'Don't cry honey.' She says and wipes my tears away.

'It's all my fault.' I say and look at Baileys perfect face.

'No, don't say that. She had to look herself.' Jenny says and rubs my back.

'Ambulance is here in 5.' Eric says and kneels down too.

*5 minutes later*

Doctors step out of the ambulance.

'Out of the way!' They say. Jenny grabs my arm and pulls me away. The doctors put Bailey on a stretcher. 'Who's going with us?' A doctor asks.

'I am!' Jenny says. 'Isac, I think Bailey wants you to come too.'

'Thank you.' I say.

'Ok, let's go.' The doctor says. Jenny and I step in the ambulance and we drive to the hospital. When we arrive, the doctors drive Bailey into a room and me and Jenny have to wait. Jenny rubs my hand.

'It really isn't your fault Isac.' She says and smiles to me.

'I don't know...' I say.

'Bailey is a strong girl. She will survive.' Jenny says and hugs me. 'I'll call Eric.' She walks away with her phone. I grab my phone and look at my background. It's a picture of me and Bailey, kissing in the snow. I start crying again.

'Hello?' A doctor asks and looks at me. We're in the hospital for two hours now. My parents wanted to come but Jenny says that they didn't have to. I don't want them here too actually. 'Are you family from the girl?' She asks again and looks at me and Jenny.

'I'm her boyfriend.' I say.

'I'm her mom.' Jenny says.

'Come! She's awake.' She says and smiles. We walk with the doctor into the room. I run to her bed.

'Bailey?' I say and whisper. I sit down on a chair next to her bed.

'Isac!' Bailey says and smiles a little. I hug her gently. 'Mom!' She says. Jenny hugs Bailey too.

'I'll talk to the doctor now.' Jenny says and walks away.

'Are you OK?' I ask Bailey. 'Do you have pain?'

'I have so much pain in my back. ' She says. A tear escapes her eye. I wipe it away. 'But I'm still alive.' She says and laughs a fake laugh.

'I was so worried. I'm so sorry.' I say while tears are flowing down my cheeks again.

'But Isac, it's not your fault. I had to look before I ran across the street.' She says softly. I kiss her.

'But still... I just never want to lose you.' I say and grab her hand.

'I don't want to lose you too. You mean the world to me. ' She says and starts crying again too. I lay down next to her on the bed. I wrap my arms around her waist.

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