Part 34

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*Beep beep beep*

I sit up in my bed and put my alarm clock off. I have to go to school today but honestly I don't really mind. Because Bailey we'll be there too! I jump off my bed and walk to the bathroom. I wash my face and then I head back to my room to pick out some clothes. I choose denim jeans, a sweater and a black snapback (or cap. Whatever you wanna call it). Then I go downstairs.

'Good morning!' I say when I walk into the kitchen.

'Good morning sweetheart.' Mom says and smiles to me. I put cornflakes and milk in a bowl and start eating.

'I'm going to work. Have a nice day.' Mom kisses my cheek.

'Bye.' I say and continue eating. Dad probably already went to work and Ava is probably upstairs. I finish breakfast and go upstairs to brush my teeth.

'Isac?' I hear a weak voice coming from Ava's room.

'Yeah?' I walk into her room. She's laying in her bed. Her face is a little bit white. 'Are you okay?'

'I don't feel well. Can you call mom?'

'Oh, yeah.' I walk out of her room and call mom. 'Mom?'

'What's up?' I hear mom saying. 'I'm sitting in the car so be fast.'

'Ava's sick.'

'Oh, really? Well I'll come back then. Say that to Ava. Bye.'  And she hangs up.

'Ava, mom's coming home!' I yell to Ava's room. Then I brush my teeth and go to Bailey.


'Heeyyy!' Bailey runs out of the front door and jumps in my arms. 'School, yay.' She pulls a sad face.

'I don't mind going to school actually.' I say.

'Whaaat? Do you even feel well?' She says and laughs.

'Well, you are there so I can be with you the whole day.'

'Naww.' She kisses my lips softly. 'Shall I cycle?'

'If you want to.' I reply and chuckle.

'Wait, I'm not going to cycle on your bike. I'll get mine.' She gets her bike from the garage. 'Sit here.' She points at the rack that's attached to the handlebars.

'Are you sure?' I ask.

'Yes, sit down.'

I do what she says and sit down on the rack. First her bike wobbles a bit but then we move forwards.

'Stop! The traffic light is red!' I yell. Bailey stops cycling and jumps off her bike. I jump off too because I have the feeling we're almost going to fall. Bailey starts laughing. I look at her and start laughing too. Car drivers toot to us.

'If you're only laughing, go out of the way!' A man screams causing me and Bailey to laugh even harder. We move to the sidewalk.

'That man was so mad!' Bailey says while still laughing.

'I know, hahahah. It was so funny!' I reply while still laughing too. 'But we almost fell!'

'Yeah, because you're so heavy!' Bailey says teasingly. She grabs my hand and looks at my watch. 'Omg, Isac! The lesson starts in 5 minutes!'

'Well, we'll be late already so no hurry.'

'Isac, come on! Can you cycle now?' She says and hits my arm friendly.

'Okay, okay. Let's go!'



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