Part 17

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-I'm skipping Christmas Day because they just celebrated with their family. Nothing special-

*Isacs birthday*


' Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Isac. Happy birthday to you!'  My mom, dad and Ava make me awake by singing. It's my birthday today! Yayy! I open my eyes.

' Happy birthday sweetheart!'  my mom says. ' My little boy is 14 now!' 

' Morning!'  I sit up. Ava sits next to me on my bed and hugs me tight. 

' Happy birthday ikke!!'  she screams. ' Look, I have a gift for you!'  She hands me a little package. I open it. It's a giftcard for the cinema. 'For you and your "princess"' She says teasing me and giggles.

' Thanks sis!'  I say happily and hug Ava. I really like this gift. Bailey wanted to see a movie so now I can take her with me!

' We have a present for you too!' My dad says.

' Actually two..' my mom says mysteriously. ' The first one is outside.' I jump out of my bed and run down the stairs. I open the front door and see... A new bike! 

' Thanks mom and dad! It's a really cool bike I love it!' I sit on it and start cycling a bit. 

' Happy you like it! That other one was getting a bit too small for you. You're growing so fast.' Dad replies and smiles at me. I put the bike in the garage. 

' But there's another present!' My mom says and giggles.

'What is it?'  I ask curiously.

' Come here.'  My mom takes me to the kitchen. ' Read this!' She says and points at the computer. I read the e-mail that's on the screen. 

' Hi Isac!

So this is a birthday gift from me and your parents. In the summer of 2015 you can come to Miami on a vacation trip. You can take 3 friends with you and ofcourse your family! I hope to see you here then! Happy birthday sweetheart! Have a nice day.

Love, grandma.' 

'Omg, that's so cool! That's going to be an amazing holiday! With 3 friends? Wow!' I say surprisingly. 

'You like it huh?' Dad says and winks.

'Yeah, duhh! Thank you!!'  I hug my mom and dad.

'You should send your grandma an e-mail back. It was her idea.' Mom says and points at the computer. So I start writing. 

' Hi grandma!

What an amazing birthday present! I love it! It's going to be so much fun! See you there.

love, Isac.' 

I press 'send'. 

'So and now, take a shower and dress up a bit!' Dad says and sends me upstairs. I run to the bathroom and take a shower. Then I walk back to my room and take some clothes. Some black skinny jeans. (not too skinny ofcourse ;)) A white t-shirt and a black-red cubes blouse. Then I do my hair and walk down the stairs into the living room.

'I'm done!' I yell. I look at the time. 11:30 already? 

'Hi baby, we're going to have a lunch in a restaurant for your birthday.'  mom yells from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen.

'With who?' I ask her and grab a banana.

'With dad, me, you, Ava, Elissa and Bailey and her family.'  She replies. I put the bananapeel on the counter. 'Isac, put that into the bin please. How old are you? Come on' 

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