The One With No Name

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Namjoon bursted through the doors of the BTS dorm with everyone right on his tail.

"Namjoon, what did you mean by again?" Jimin asked, which was the question he, Yoongi, Jhope,and Jungkook asked on the way home with Namjoon refusing to answer it. This time, Namjoon just ignored it and turned on the tv with playing.

"For those who did not get to see the baby shower of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, you missed everything." The new reporter said as they showed some pictures. "The day started great for the young expecting couple. Kim Taehyung's mother, the one that has been estranged from the public eye for many months, made an appearance at the shower, reconciling with her son and was given the honor giving the first gift. After that the Taekook couple learned that they were having a daughter, then they were given a surprise gift by their bandmates purchasing a home for all of them to live in. You would think that would be wonderful news, if only it wasn't transpired after. The first bomb was dropped when we learned that Kim Seokjin was actually BTSlover1992, the Twitter account that started the cyberbullying and harassment toward expecting Kim Taehyung about his weight and faithfulness to Jeon Jungkook. Not only that, but it seems that Min Yoongi also knew about it before any of his bandmates. That brings us to our second bomb, The Park Jimin cheating scandal. Apparently Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok had been dating secret from the public eye, but it looks like that didn't stop Park from sleeping with his bandmate Min Yoongi. It appears Jung must have found out about the affair as it was mentioned a few times after two got into physical altercation. Then the third and final bomb dropped, Kim Seokjin had been pregnant before and, just his bandmate Taehyung is, he also had a daughter. According to the video footage and witnesses, Kim Seokjin confessed to having her while in the midsts of having a mental breakdown. The baby shower ended with Kim Seokjin collapsing and another physical fight between Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, the entire band going to the hospital. I'd say that would be the end of the Bangtan drama, but I'm getting the feeling that is false....what....I'm now just hearing about this! Breaking news, it seems that, despite arriving unconscious, Kim Seokjin ran away from his hospital room and is now MISSING!" Taehyung grabbed the remote and turned the tv before standing from of Namjoon.

"Hyung, stop trying to avoid the question. What did you mean by that?" Taehyung said and Namjoon groaned.

"Taehyung, don't make me..." Namjoon started and Taehyung raised an eyebrow before crossing his arms.

"Don't make you what? As I see it, you are not going to hit or shove me out your way?  A six month pregnant man, so please do tell what you will do. What else can you to do?" Taehyung sassed and Namjoon opened his mouth to rebuttal, only to groan when he realized Taehyung was right. "Now tell us the truth, what did you mean when you said you wouldn't watch him go through this by himself again?" Namjoon sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell you. Everyone sit down." Everyone sat down, Taehyung needed a little from Jungkook because the couch is kinda low, and Namjoon sat up. "Well, it was the middle of the night..." Namjoon started.


Namjoon woke up that night and went to kitchen to get some water, that's when Yoongi and Jin were sneaking out.

"Oh god, Yoongi this really hurts." Namjoon heard Jin whisper-yelled and he hid as they came into his view.

"It's gonna be okay Jin-hyung, just breath like Sum taught you." Yoongi said and Jin nodded vigorously as he tried to remember the breathing techniques, Namjoon looked at them in confusion.

"Who the hell is Sum? And breath?" Namjoon asked himself in a whisper just as Yoongi got a text and he read it, Yoongi sighed in relief.

"She here's, come on Hyung. Let's get you to the hospital." Yoongi guided Jin out their apartment and Namjoon came out hiding, hospital? Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in concern, what's wrong with Seokjin? Ever since they had broken up, Jin had been distancing himself. Honestly, Namjoon thought that they both agreed that it was best for the group. But that didn't mean that Namjoon didn't miss Jin and caring for him as a lover nor did he like that Jin was keeping secrets from him. Namjoon knew he had to follow them, so he took out his phone and called a taxi before rushing quietly to his room to get dressed.

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