Can't Tell Him (Part 1)

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Taehyung and Jimin walked into Taehyung's hotel room and Jimin gave Taehyung a plastic bag.

"Go take your pills." Jimin ordered and Taehyung nodded, cringing as he remembered what Sum said about them.


Sum walked into the room with two pills bottles, a white bottle and a light blue bottle.

"Okay, so these are your pills you need to take them regularly. Also make sure you take them with you get back to your hotel." Sum started as Taehyung nodded and she gave him the white bottle. "These are your prenatal vitamins, you need to take one daily. Since you're still having morning sickness, I recommend you take it after you've thrown up and eaten breakfast."

"Ok." Taehyung said and Sum cleared her throat to muffle a laugh, because she knows this is going to be funny to explain. Well, funny to her. She held up the blue bottle.

"These are estrogen pills, the hormones that predominantly found in women. They are red and yellow capsules that you have to take two of twice a day. Even though your body produces estrogen, it's not enough for a male pregnancy during the first trimester. You only have to take them until then. " Taehyung nodded. "Warning, these are woman hormone pills so you might experience some changes."

"What kind of changes?"

"Well, this would happen anyway because of your pregnancy, but you'll experience some changes in your mood and become overly sensitive toward some things. Then there's the physical changes, specifically in the chest area." Taehyung's eyes widen as he gulped.

"Please tell me you're not saying that I'm going to have boobs?"

"That exactly what I'm saying." Taehyung groaned softly as he blushed brightly red while Jimin snickered his hand. "Speak of which, do you have sensitive nipples?"


"Then you're screwed."


Taehyung glared at the hormone pills before popping them in his mouth and drinking his glass of water, shallowing them with a harsh gulp. Taehyung walked back into the living room and sat on the couch with Jimin.

"Did you take them?" Jimin asked as Taehyung sat down and Taehyung huffed.

"Yes, I took them. If it wasn't for the baby, I wouldn't have." Taehyung spatted and he touch his chest gently. "I can't believe I'm going to have boobs, that's going to be so embarrassing." Jimin chuckled as he nodded.

"Yeah, it will. But remember, it's going to be for your baby." Jimin said and Taehyung nodded as he rested a hand on his stomach, smiling softly as he thought of the child inside. "Speaking of the baby, when will you do it?" Taehyung  furrowed his eyebrow confusion.

"Do what?" He asked.

"When are you going to tell Jungkook that you're pregnant?" Taehyung frowned and he looked down while Jimin continued. "Tae, I know you're on a break but he deserves to know he's going to be a father." Taehyung sighed.

"I know, but I don't know how I'm going to even explain it to him or if I'm ready to. I think should wait." Jimin sighed. He know Taehyung is nervous about telling Jungkook, but he's worried that Taehyung will stress over it and that isn't good for the baby.

"If you must, just don't wait too long, please?" Jimin begged and Taehyung nodded with a smile.

"I won't."


Jimin groaned as he struggled to carry Jungkook's latest gift to Taehyung's hotel room. They were now in New York for the tour and ,unfortunately for Jimin, the hotel Taehyung was staying at had a broken elevator. Usually two flights stairs would be a breeze for Jimin.

Not so when you're carrying a fruit basket as big as he is, along with large box chocolate.

"I'm gonna kill that coconut head, what the hell is Taehyung suppose to do with this thing?" Jimin growled as he unlocked Taehyung's door and carried the items in. "Tae! You have a special delivery!" Jimin called out as he set the basket on the table along with the chocolate and opened the basket, releasing the delicious fruit smell into the air.

"What did Jungkook get me no...?" Taehyung asked as he walked in the room and he gagged, covering his nose. "What is that smell?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What smell?" Taehyung pinched his nose.

"Something stinks." Jimin sniffed the air, he didn't smell anything.

"All I smell is the chocolate and the fruit basket." Taehyung gagged.

"It's making me nauseous, I think it's something in the fruit basket." Jimin frowned with a hum.

"Let me see, is it the strawberries?" Jimin held out a stick of strawberries and Taehyung shook his head. "Ok, how about the grapes?" Taehyung shook his head. "The pineapple?" Taehyung sniffed it, instantly gagging while covered his mouth as he ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up. Jimin nodded. "Ok, the baby doesn't like pineapples." Jimin said as Taehyung nodded with his head still in the trashcan.

"Jimin, you know what to do." Taehyung said before throwing up again and Jimin sighed. Knowing most of Jungkook's gift are basically chocolate, Taehyung begged Jimin to start eating them for him because he didn't want Jungkook's money going to waste. Of course Jimin declined, saying he would lose his abs he works hard to maintain. Then Taehyung gave him his puppy dog eyes and he cracked like a egg. Jimin groaned as he grabbed all the sticks that contain pineapple and anything covered in chocolate.

"You are so lucky I love you." Jimin grumbled before he ate the pineapples and the chocolate covered fruit from the basket. "And you're lucky I love pineapple." Jimin finished off the last of the pineapple and chocolate covered fruit then washed his hands to get rid of the pineapple smell so Taehyung wouldn't throw up on him.

"Is it gone?" Taehyung asked as he lifted his head away from the trashcan and saw Jimin nod while flopping back into a chair.

"Yep, all gone." Jimin sighed softly as he rubbed his bloated stomach, considering he did eat breakfast before coming over here. "And I'm full." Taehyung sighed happily before examining the large fruit basket.

"I can't believe Jungkook bought me this, it's huge." Taehyung commented and Jimin nodded with a moan as he remembered the taste of chocolate portions he ate.

"And delicious, especially the chocolate parts."

"Which I can't even eat, thanks for reminding me of that." Jimin pouted.

"Hey, don't get snappy with me. It's your boyfriend who bought it, cost him a pretty penny by the way." Taehyung looked at the price on Borge items and his eyes widened at the price as he growled at it, they were really expensive.

"Is he trying to buy me?! Who does he think he is?!" Taehyung yelled as he slammed the chocolates on the table and stomped toward the bedroom while Jimin scoffed a laugh.

"Jeon Jungkook." Jimin laughed and Taehyung stared at him blankly before opening the box of chocolates, shoving a piece In Jimin's mouth during mid laugh.

"Be good Mochi and eat your chocolate." Taehyung said and Jimin glared at him, chewing the chocolate while Taehyung got out of his phone.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked once he shallowed the chocolate as Taehyung held his phone to his ear.

"Calling Jungkook." Taehyung answered rather irritatedly and Jimin raised an eyebrow as Taehyung growled. "I'm going to voicemail, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." Jimin smirked as he could tell this was going to be funny, for him at least.


Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized what just happened and slammed hands on the table.

"WHAT DID I JUST DO?!" Taehyung screamed at himself while Jimin laughed his ass off.

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