The Appointment (Part 2)

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"Why am able to get pregnant?" Taehyung asked and Jimin shuddered and gagged a little.

"Oh, I wish you didn't ask that." Jimin said and Sum rolled her eyes.

"I'll explain, you might get Sex Ed flashbacks." She warned him before putting out a huge blown up diagram.

"Oh my god." Taehyung's eyes widened at it while Jimin groaned in cringe, he's still wasn't use to it yet already seen it, while Sum started to explain.

"So this is the diagram of an carrier, what we call a male who can get pregnant." Sum said and she points out the uterus. "Here is the uterus, which connected to your rectum. During intercourse, your cervix opens up a bit which allows the sperm of your partner to enter the uterus unless your are wearing a condom. Then it closes, trapping and allowing the sperm the fertilizes any eggs that are present. For carriers, that's about 500 a month." Taehyung held his stomach fearfully and Jimin shook his head rapidly.

"I know what you're thinking, I thought the same thing when I found out. You're having one, just one. Um, Sum will explain." Taehyung sighed in relief while Sum nodded.

"Yes I will. Jimin is right and wrong, you can't have 500 hundred babies, but you can have twins or triplets. I haven't came across a carrier to have quadruplets yet, but I'm pretty sure it's possible. Maybe." Taehyung gulped.

"But I am pregnant with one, right?" Taehyung asked fearfully and Sum shrugged.

"I don't know, we haven't taken a ultrasound yet. But, I'll save that for later." Sum put the diagram up before looking at Taehyung. "I'm sure you have more questions." Taehyung nodded.

"I have one more, actually. How is the baby going to....come out of me?"

"Ah that one. You know the saying: what goes in must come out. However, they'll be coming out the same way." Taehyung's eyes widened.

"So you mean, it would be..."

"Coming out of your ass? Basically yes, so you would be on your back when you give birth and when you give birth, you have two options: a c-section or a natural birth. A c-section is a a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus while a natural birth is where you push them out." Taehyung's eyes widened more.

"Push them out?" Sum nodded.

"Yep. However if you do a natural birth, I highly recommend you use an epidural. The process of giving birth is different for males and rather...okay I'm going to be blunt, you will be in serious and intense pain." Taehyung gulped nervously.

"How much pain, exactly?" Taehyung asked and Sum have a nervous laugh.

"Well if you have Braxton hick contractions, your first one will be equivalent to a woman pregnant going in into labor. You going into labor is equivalent to halfway of the birthing process for a pregnant woman and your halfway into the birthing process is equivalent to a pregnant woman pushing out her baby." Taehyung and Jimin winced as they thought about all that pain.

"Is it really that painful?" Jimin asked and Sum nodded.

"Yep. Not only that, but the contractions only get more painful and as I've been told, pushing out the baby is like pushing a ten pound watermelon through a coffee straw." That made Taehyung's stomach flip and he gagged as he held his stomach.

"I'm going to be sick." Taehyung said and Sum quickly have him a bucket, which he gladly threw up in while Jimin rubbed his back.

"Too much?" Sum asked and Jimin nodded.

"A bit, just a bit." Jimin answered as Taehyung threw up some more and he gasped for air, wiping his mouth while looking at his vomit.

"When did I have pizza?" Taehyung questioned and he gave the bucket back to Sum, who raised an eyebrow at the contents of the bucket.

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