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"YOU WHAT?!" Jimin and Jin screamed, Jungkook told them what he did last night. He shushed them.

"Be quiet! Taehyung's still asleep." Jungkook said and Jin rubbed his temples while Jimin shook his head.

"Jeon, what the hell were you thinking?! You can't just invite Taehyung's mother, the same mother that disowned him, to his baby shower!" Jimin scolded.

"But Jimin I'm telling you, she really misses him. Seriously, she was basically crying on the phone last night. Plus Taehyung will love it." Jungkook declared.

"Taehyung will love what?" They all jump at the sound of Taehyung walking into the kitchen.

"Oh Baby, you're up?" Jungkook asked as he pulled out Taehyung and Taehyung nodded as he sat down.

"Yeah, I woke up a few minutes ago. But don't change the subject, what you guys were talking about?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook smiled sheepishly.

"Oh's a um..."

"A surprise!" Jin said and Jimin nodded.

"Yep, Jungkook and only Jungkook planned a surprise for you at the shower tomorrow. Him and him alone." Jimin said and Jungkook glared at him as Taehyung awed.

"Oh Kookie, you don't have to do that. I swear you're too good to me sometimes." Taehyung said as he kissed his cheek and Jungkook laughed nervously.

"Ah well, it's not really that special of a surprise." Jungkook said and Jimin shook his head.

"No, but it is. It's very unexpected, almost terrifying."

"Shut up Jimin, it's nothing." Jungkook defended and Taehyung kissed him.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it." Taehyung claimed as he went to make his plate and Jimin nodded sheepishly.

"Sure you will." Jimin whispered to himself as he sipped his coffee.


Today's the day of the baby shower and It's not going so well, because nothing is going as planned. Apparently it stormed the night before, knocking out the power of the place they rent for the party and shorten out the speakers so that need to replaced. The decorations came yesterday, but they were in the wrong colors so they and be sent back, they're supposed to be arriving at one which is putting everything off by one hour. And now...

"NO! I said fried chicken! Not baked chicken!" Jin yelled into the phone, the food is wrong. "Please just fix it before two! We need the food before three!" Jin hanged up the phone and he groaned in discomfort as he felt his stomach churn. "Why is my life like this?" Jin covered his mouth as he gagged. "Oh god!" Jin ran to and hunched over the trashcan as he puked violently into it, just as Jimin walked in.

"Jin-hyung! Are you ok?!" Jimin said as he ran over to him and started rubbing his back while Jin finished emptying his stomach. "Let it out hyung." Jin threw up one time before sitting back up, clenching his grip on the rim of the trashcan as he gagged at the taste foul taste in his mouth. "Are you ok?!" Jimin asked.

"I think threw up my stomach." Jin remarked as Jimin helped him sit down. "But I'm fine." Jimin frowned.

"I knew having you help plan the baby shower would put too much stress on you and baby, it's making you sick." Jin groaned.

"It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?! Hyung, you're two months pregnant! You need to be careful, you're still in the trimester where you could a miscarriage. You need to take it easy!" Jimin scolded.

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