Archie x Teen Mom! Reader ; i like you

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Requested by @CodilynLunn ! This was an interesting idea (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) and definitely different!

It definitely was an interesting way to end the school year but becoming a teen mom was not the way you envisioned your high school years would be. Yet, you wouldn't change it for the world. It was a few months into your junior year when you and your ex welcomed a beautiful boy whom you decided to name (insert name). He had a waft of hair on his head, much like his father and he recieved your dainty features while aquiring his fathers facial structure. Soon after, his dad was out of the picture. You weren't expecting it but in the same sense, you knew it was coming.
It definitely wasn't easy roaming the halls of Riverdale high with your bump months prior. Earning looks and whispers from your peers, and of course Cheryl Blossom herself. Now it was senior year though.
You took your 1 year old boy to the school's daycare, where he babbled and curiously crawled amongst the other children. You sighed in admiration of your son before waving a goodbye to the daycare workers and heading back into the dim halls of Riverdale. You met with your friends Betty, Veronica, Kevin, & Jughead.
"Hey!" They cheered, nearly in all unison.
"Hi guys!" You chirped back, a little tiresome as you had stayed up all night previously to put (insert son's name) to bed and then resume your school projects.
"Another long night?" Jughead asked with his arm around a concerned Betty.
"Yeah, you guessed it."
"God. I want to kick your ex in the damn head." Veronica growls lowly as she stands next to Kevin.
"Listen, I know but-" You were cut off and stared in a trance at a redheaded boy. His arms were toned and his muscles showed through his shirt. He was handsome. Suddenly Kevin snaps his fingers in front of you, causing the rest of the group to chuckle.
"I see you haven't met Archie yet," Betty smirks as she catches a glance of the direction your eyes were focused on.
"Yeah. He hung out with us over the summer quite a bit while you were busy. You two could definitely hit it off." Jughead continues.
"Jug, with all due respect, I have a fucking son. No high school guy would want to deal with that."
"Whatever you say," Jughead states quietly. "Hey Archie! Come over here!" Jughead yells. Veronica snickers as Kevin pretends to eat invisible popcorn at the scene unfolding in front of him. Betty just facepalms herself and watches as well.
"Damnit Jug! You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Your brain is running a million miles per second, scrambled and not knowing what you should do next. The redhead is caught of guard but nonetheless comes over towards the group. He greets everyone and introduces himself to you.
"So you must be the famous Y/N." He smiles towards you. Oh my god he must think I'm a freak! He knows about (insert son's name here)!
"Yes I am. You must be Archie?"
"Hey speaking of, I gotta go to PE, right Betty?" Jughead drags Betty along. Not too long after Veronica makes a lame excuse of having to go with Kevin to finish rehearsing some lines for their upcoming play.
"That was weird. Anyways, I have a free period so too bad there isn't much to do." The redheaded boy scratches the back of his neck, not knowing what else to say to his newfound acquaintance.
"Oh same here! I mean we could do something if you want?"
"I would love that actually."
( ^ω^ ) TIMESKIP!!!!
It had been a few weeks since you and Archie first began talking. You hadn't quite introduced him to (insert son's name here), due to being hesitant of having him around new people and the whole situation possibly putting Archie off. By now, Archie was aware of you being a mother, but you were still nervous.
"Jug, I really like Y/N." Archie stands against the locker. Brows furrowed as his back is pressed onto the cold metal. This revelation causes Jug to smile.
"Yeah. It doesn't take much to figure it out. I mean we all knew. You do know that being a teen mom takes a lot more energy and effort than what it seems right?" Jughead knew in the back of his mind that Archie had good intentions, but he still wanted to affirm what he was potentially going to get himself involved in.
"Yeah. I never met a teen mom prior but she's amazing. The fact that she's able to juggle everything and not combust is beyond me." Archie rambles to his raven haired pal. Soon the whole gang scrambles to them, ready to head to lunch. Jughead and Archie catch them up on their conversation and everyone feels giddy towards Archie's confession.
"Why don't you tell Y/N today?" Betty asks as they sit outside on the bleachers. Kevin nods in agreement.
"I am. Right now." The sudden confidence boost in Archie reveals itself as he strays from the group to find you. After about 10 minutes of scanning the school in its entirety, he finds you in the daycare, playing with your now chunkier son. Archie smiles to himself and takes a deep breath as he walks in. Small children were scattered, invested in different activities. He knew you took some lunch periods to be with your son. He takes a seat next to you two, catching your attention as you were definitely not expecting any company.
"Hey Archie! This is (insert son's name)! Can you say hi baby?" At this, your son babbles and lets out a soft, yet very scattered hi before focusing back onto the book in between his small chubby fingers.
"He is precious Y/N. Just like his mama." He winks as he watches your interactions with (insert son's name). You feel heat creeping up to your cheeks as you look at Archie, suddenly the bell rings. Lunchtime over.
(˃̵ᴗ˂̵) TIMESKIP!!!
You cursed yourself for forgetting your car keys whilst exiting the building with (insert son's name) in your arms. You twirl and go back into your last period, passing by students who were ready to get the hell out of the damned school. You groan as you shuffle through the dimly lit hallways before approaching your last period class. You peer inside and see Archie still playing the guitar, before opening the door. He glances up and sends a smile your way.
"Did you forget these?" He holds your keychain in between his rough fingers.
"Oh my goodness thank you." You thankfully say as (insert son's name)'s drool begins to trail down your upper shoulder.
"Also I needed to talk to you Y/N." At his words, you seat yourself near him and watch as he sets his beloved instrument down gently. "I really like you okay? And before you say anything, I know you have a son and you may feel like it's baggage. But I realized I would enjoy being around you both. You're intelligent and so strong."
"Arch. I don't know what to say. Thank you. I like you alot as well." You smile, a bit teary eyed as you were not expecting for this to occur.

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