Jughead Jones x Reader: Love? Triangle. (PART 3)

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"Hey Bee." You greet her. She returns it but a bit more sadly. You sit across from her, staring at her saddened and pink green eyes.
"Hey Y/N. I thought I'd call you first so you would know that Jughead and I split. You're like my closest friend and I trust you the most." You smiled at Betty's kind words but deep down, your stomach was tying into knots. How could you do this to my best friend? A wave of confusion and nausea hit you and before you knew it, before you could even have the chance to thank her for her kind words, you were running to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. What the hell are you doing? "Y/N?" You hear Betty knocking, almost in a worried state.
"Yes?" You ask, knowing you have to tell her eventually. You flush the toilet and wash my hands.
"You okay?" She asks through the other side.
"No." You sob as you open the door.
"What's wrong?"
"Betty," You pause, letting more tears come out of my burning eyes.
"What? What is it? You're worrying me."
"I've got to go. I'm sorry." And with that statement, you head out, not looking back at your worried and confused blond haired best friend.
30 minutes later....
You get back home and I'm instantly greeted by a sleeping Jughead. You smile sadly and plop down next to him, throwing my jacket on the floor and slipping my shoes off my tired feet. Eventually, my vision fades as I fall asleep.
1 hour later....
You see Betty's screen name lighting up my phone, causing a groggy and tired Jughead to wake up. His eyes practicially popping out of his head when he sees her name on my screen.
"Hello?" You tiredly say. You feel the nausea again, worried that Betty may know.
"Hey I just wanted to tell you that I know things are tough right now but they'll get better. Is that why you got sick? Because of things at home?" You sigh of relief and just blurt out a lie.
"Yeah yeah that's why. Thanks for checking up on me though." You say with a fake smile.
"Of course Y/N! Just call me or text me if you need anything. See you tommorow." And with that, she hung up. You let Jughead know about what happened and he puts his arm around you, guilt and remorse clearly showing in his face.
"Look Y/N. We'll get through this." He says, locking his blue eyes with my Y/E/C eyes. You nod in agreement and smile before putting my head against his shoulder. You pull out my phone and text Veronica, explaining what happened at Pop's.
Veronica💁🏻‍♀️🛍: Y/N...I'm so so sorry. Is there anything Arch and I can do to help?
Me: Noooo! Me and Jug need to take care of this. Besides, we got ourselves into this mess, not you and Archie.
Veronica💁🏻‍♀️🛍: You guys need to tell B soon. I can guarantee that redhead Cheryl will find out and tell her. She may be angry but B would want to hear it from you in a heart to heart conversation.
Me: That's true. I'll do it tommorow at school.
And with that, our conversation eventually fades. You and Veronica don't text too much but you were extremely close, maybe even closer than you and Betty. Soon enough, you hear light snores from Jughead and you giggle as quietly as you can.
Me: Hey B, can we talk tommorow?
Betty🎀: Yeah sure! How serious?!
Me: Very. Meet me in the Blue & Gold office early tommorow.
Betty🎀: Okay!
Your stomach ties in knots. So much for a good wakeup to Jughead. The last thing you want is for him to be more stressed when you tell him about your little rendezvous tommorow morning but something has to be said, from either you or him, and you know he has a soft spot and would probably never get the job done. You toss your phone lightly to a couch sitting beside you two and you sigh deeply. Turning around, you also notice it's getting pretty late out. Cicidas do their daily nightly song as you get up as smoothly as you can from the loveseat and turn the lights off, then you proceed to turn on Cupcake Wars, but, you also turn the volume down. As you watch the show, your eyes fall heavy and you eventually fall asleep, so peacefully and soundly.

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