Archie Andrews x Reader: New Kid

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I'm so sorry if my older works are cringy! I started this during my 8th grade year ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ !

I walk through the doors of Riverdale High. It was my first time here and honestly, I was nervous as hell. I was a freshman that knew absolutely nobody at this school. Suddenly I spot a redhead boy, he was muscular and built, he had a jawline, and this killer ass smile. I walk towards him with hope that he can help me out with getting to my first period. Suddenly my walking comes to a halt as I bump into a black haired girl.
"Sorry!" I exclaim worriedly.
"No worries. You're fine." She smiles. "I've never seen you around here. You new?"
"Yeah." I rub the back of my neck timidly.
"Oh. Veronica Lodge." She extends her hand out to me.
"Y/N. Y/L/N." I shake her hand gently for about 2 seconds.
"Well it was nice meeting you. I better get going Y/N. See you around!" I wave before walking off and head over towards the redhead who is talking to some black haired dude. I tap his shoulder, earning his and the black haired kids' attention.
"Umm. Hi. I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me out?" I give him a smile before tucking my hair behind my ears. I damn well knew I could have asked Veronica but this guy was just way too cute.
"Yeah sure! What's your name?"
"Y/N. Y/L/N."
"Y/N? That's a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl. Mine is Archie by the way." He winks.
"Oh cut the flirting." The black haired boy says while fake gagging.
"And this is my buzzkill of a friend Jughead." Archie points to him. He gives me a small wave and I do the same. "He has a girlfriend by the way. Betty. and I'm single." He whispers to me.
"Archie I can hear you!" Jughead sighs as I giggle. "Well anyways. I have to go to my girlfriend. Betty." I laugh at Jughead's sarcasm and I wave goodbye as it is now just Archie and I.
"Well. What's your first period?" Archie asks me with a raised brow. I take the crumpled schedule out of my pocket and read my first period off to him.
"Umm. Mrs. Winters."
"No way! I have her also. I'll walk with you to class and I'll walk you to dinner later." Smooth Archie. Very smooth.
"Are you asking me on a date Archie?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Well then. I'll give you my number after school and we can plan on it." He smiles at my words and we both head off to class. Learning more and more about eachother and surprisingly, he worked for his dad last summer at a construction site. No wonder why he is so built.

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