Betty Cooper x Reader: I Like You

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I always had a crush on Betty, but, I don't know if she feels the same way. Today was the day I tell her though. We have been friends since birth and we knew so much about eachother, so why not just go for it? I take deep breaths as I walk towards the Blue and Gold, opening the door cautiously.
"Hey Y/N!" Betty greets me with that perfect smile of hers. I smile back.
"Hey." I rub the back of my neck.
"What's wrong?" She asks me with concern. Damnit. She knows me too well because whenever I rub the back of my neck, it means something is wrong or I want to say something.
"I wanted to tell you something."
"Okay go ahead."
"I like you." I say timidly.
"Wait more than a friend?" She asks, as if making sure.
"Yeah." My hands begin to shake as the words escape my mouth. She makes a big 'O' with her mouth before walking closer to me. So close that I can feel her breath against my cold and nervous skin.
"Well. I like you too." She chuckles. Before I can say anything, her lips press against mine. I could feel both of us smiling during the kiss.
"Well. What's our status then?" I say while pulling back.
"Dating." She exclaims with her twinkling green eyes. I kiss her again and she kisses back, it turns into a full-blown makeout session.
"Oh my god." We turn and see Veronica with Archie, with smirks and grins plastered on their faces.
"I guess we sha'll leave then." Archie says while turning back, Veronica following him. Betty giggles and I chuckle from what just happened. Oh I love Betty.

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