Jughead Jones x Reader: Proposal

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"Jughead are you sure you want to do this?" You hear Archie's muffled voice as you pressed your ear softly against the door.
"I think I am Archie. Has Y/N texted you yet." You could practically hear the scared expression on Jughead's face through his voice. You both had been dating for 3 years and just barely graduated from Riverdale High. Confusion struck you hard as you recieved a text not too long ago from Archie asking you to come over to his house for something important.
You: I'm here Archikins😋😂
Archie: Don't call me that you dweeb
"She's here." Archie casually says as you here footsteps approaching the door. You could hear Jughead's loud and rattled sigh in the background as the door opens.
"Wow it smells good!" You exclaim as the warm scent of vanilla fills your nose. Archie leads you into the living room as tears form on the brim of your eyes. Beautifully lit candles which formed a heart around a kneeling Jughead greeted your vision. "Oh my god." A tear strolls down your excited and slightly nervous face. You cautiously walk over the candles and stand in front of the kneeling raven haired boy.
"Y/N...words can't describe my love for you. But this ring in this black box will describe my desire to be with you through thick and thin, just like these past few years as being your boyfriend. But I no longer want you to be a Y/L/N. I want you to be a Jones." He shakily says with a slight smile. You nod as awe strikes you, leaving you entirely speechless. He opens the black box, revealing a shiny diamond ring. As he slides it onto your finger, you jump into his arms, causing him to fall over.
"SURPRISE!" The whole gang including Veronica and Betty appear, giggling and recording this special moment.
"Wait, where the hell did you guys come from?" Surprise fills your voice.
"Our mothers. Didn't they teach you this in health?" Veronica sassily and jokingly remarks, earning a chuckle from Juggie and Archie.
"Do you guys have to record everything?" Jughead sighs as a small giggle escapes your lips.
"Yes Juggie and this will become a hit on the gram." Veronica chuckles before giving Archie a peck.

Riverdale: imagines, oneshots, & preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ