Archie Andrews & Jughead Jones x Reader: Him or me? (PT. 1)

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Requested by: NixDunbarHale

It's crazy to think that the gang and I are juniors. My "love" life has been quite chaotic. Archie & I have a thing going on, not exactly dating but we're more than friends. It's confusing and to make matters worse, Jughead also likes me, and I somewhat like him. Gotta love high school. Everyone knows about Archie and I, except for Jughead. I wonder how it's going to turn out honestly.
*2nd person POV*
The warm spring air hit your face as you walked out of school. Knowing that Junior year was going to be done soon, you still needed time to figure things out. As you walked amongst your friends, you were deep in thought, not even aware of the discussion they were having.
"So I got a little date with Toni so bye peasants!" Cheryl blew a kiss as she dragged poor Toni along with her. Typical Cheryl. Always finding room to throw jabs at you all, but you guys managed to push it aside as she did become a bit more nice over time.
"Well, Kevin and I are going to hang out and do some ghost hunting." At this, Betty proceeded to wave a hand in your face, causing you to gasp lightly as reality hit you once again.
"What? Sorry."
"I said that Kev and I are going to hang out and do some ghost hunting." Betty smiles crookedly.
"Oh I'll catch up with you guys later! I'll shoot you a text before I go!"
"Oh alright. Let's go Kev." And with that, Betty shoots you, Jughead, Archie, & Veronica a goodbye wave and smile as she proceeds to leave with Kevin.
"I also have to go. Andre, my chauffeur, awaits me." Veronica winks with a grin as she walks towards a nice black car. Leaving you, Jughead, & Archie alone now. Luck was really on your side.
"Well I guess this is my cue to leave also. Are you still coming to study though Archie?"
"Yeah. I'll be there at 7:30." With that, you shoot him and Jughead a smile as you wave goodbye and walk home.
You: Betty, I can't keep sneaking around with Archie! Ugh I'm so confused. Fml.
Betty: Then don't. Tell the truth. You're also hurting Jughead by leading him on Y/N.
You: I'm not leading him on! I kind of like him.
Betty: Keyword: Kind of
You: Thankssss captian obvious
Betty: Look Y/N, the truth will come back out, and not in a good way. Kev and I will see you later. Love ya.
A sigh escapes your lips as you hear the doorbell ring. "Hey Archie." You smile at the taller boy as he leans down to give you a peck.
"Hey. Ready to study?" He winks while a scoff escapes your lips.
"Of course."
As your make out session became a bit more heated, you didn't even realize that you forgot to lock the door. You also didn't hear the set of footsteps walking up the stairs as you let out a groan while Archie grabbed your upper thigh. Suddenly a thud filled your ears, causing you both to stop.
"Y/N?" A tear rolled down Jugheads' face as the flowers he was holding for you, ended up on the floor. Oh shit.

Part 2?

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