Archie Andrews & Jughead Jones x Reader: Him or me? (PT. 2)

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"Y/N?" A tear rolled down Jugheads' face as the flowers he was holding for you, ended up on the floor. Oh shit.
Your heart beat heavily in your chest as tears threatened to fall from your eyes as Archie stared at you both questionably.
The memory of you and Jughead hit you like a brick, considering that it only happened a few days ago:
You walked in the empty hallways as you just got finished staying afterschool to complete a test for your math class. Footsteps could be heard vividly behind you. "Boo!" Jughead jumps from behind you, earning himself a gasp and a hard smack in the chest. Laughter from the raven haired boy echoed through the hallways as you rolled your eyes and continued walking with your book bag draped over your shoulder. "Hey wait Y/N!" He exclaims as his hand intersects with yours, causing you to turn around to face him.
"What Jug?"
"Look, I'm sorry but I really really like you. I can't hold it in any longer and I wa-" He was cut off by your soft lips on top of his as you managed to stand on your tippy toes.
"Jug! Jug wait!" You screamed as he began to walk away. "Jughead! Jughead listen to me!" You grabbed him a bit forcefully, making him turn around. "Look I'm so-"
"Save it Y/N. Why don't you go slut it up with Archie and leave me the hell alone?" Tears fell from your eyes as the words, that Jughead said from anger, left his mouth. Archie stood behind you. Mouth agape from what was going on.
"Y/N. Just choose. Who's it gonna be? Me or him?" Archie's words caused you to cry again, making it known that you had to make a choice.

If you choose Archie:
"Of fucking course Y/N!" Jughead spat as he slammed the door behind him. Shock filled your body, he never treated you like this.
"Ignore him Y/N. But hey look at me," Archie grabs your chin gently with his fingers. "I need to know that I'm the only guy now, and this, will make us official okay? Promise me I'm the only guy." His voice was almost pleading, with hope that he was, and will be your only guy.
"I promise." You say softly as the last few of your tears fall down. With this, Archie kisses you forehead gently.
"You still going ghost hunting?"
"Nah, I think I'm good." You chuckle sadly as he shoots you a small smile before leading you back upstairs, just to cuddle though ;).

If you choose Jughead:
"Fuck you Y/N." Archie sighs before shoving past you and a slightly shocked Jughead. Awkward silence fills the air between the both of you for the next few minutes before Jughead sighs.
"Look Y/N, what you did was fucking wrong. Trust me. But don't listen to Archie, and I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I just really, really like you." Jughead shoots you a sad smile.
"Listen I understand. I probably would have reacted the same way as you did. But I promise, you're the person I want jughead." You cry as he embraces you in a comforting hug, followed by a bittersweet peck on the lips.

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