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*Sorry about this. I literally made this close to 2:30 am but I wanted to write something for you guys so enjoy😂😌*
Toni: After the serpents transferred to Riverdale, the whole town was in chaos. You somehow didn't seem to mind, mainly because you had eyes for one particular purple haired girl. You heard her name was Toni even though you'd never properly met yet.
"Betty I need your help with something." You whine.
"Yeah sure y/n, what is it?"
"So you know how jug is a serpent right? Well I need you to get him to introduce me to Toni." And with your last words, Betty smirks. "Why are you smirking like that?"
"Well because a little birdy May have told me that Toni wants to get to know you too."
"Goodnight y/n." And with that, Betty turns the light off.
"Let's go into the break room." Betty leads you into the usual hang out spot for the gang. When you open the doors, you see Toni and jug. Once they spot you, Jughead gets up and greets Betty with a kiss, leaving you and Toni in the room alone.
"Uh hey!" Toni waves awkwardly with a smile.
"Hey! I'm y/n."
"Oh I already kn-. I mean that's a cool name!" Toni blushes as you continue to stare at eachother but are soon cut off at the abrupt sound of the bell.
"Well uh I gotta go y/n." Toni winks, unbeknownst to her, you begin to blush as she walks with her back facing you out the doors.
"Bye Toni."

Cheryl: "That new kid y/n, totally ignored me! I mean what the hell. Does he/she know who they're messing with? I'm the Cheryl blossom!"
"Cheryl. From the bottom of your heart and as your friend, I'm going to be honest. It's probably because of how snobby you are." Veronica tiredly replies as they walk to their next period.
"What do you mean? I am the complete opposite!"
"Cheryl. Try approaching y/n more nicely and don't have an attitude as if you're better than. Jeez." Veronica rolls her eyes in slight annoyance as she remembers how Cheryl treated her and Betty before walking away. Cheryl stands there speechless for a second as everything sinks in.
It was lunch and you sat outside alone.
"Mind if I sit here?" You here that annoying high pitched voice say, causing you to look up and sigh. "Look y/n, I know we got off on the wrong foot and I truly am sorry. Can we just start fresh?"
"Thanks for the apology. I appreciate it." You slightly mumble.
"Oh thank you thank you! Maybe you can be my little personal assistant now too!"
"Oh dear god." You say out loud.

Betty: "Kev, there's this person. Y/n. We haven't exactly met but he/she is so cute and I've heard nothing but great things about them." With Betty's words. Kevin's eyes grew.
"Y/n? As is y/n l/n?!"
"Yes! Do you know them?"
"Hell yeah! We both study together. I can invite you over so you two can properly meet." Kevin winks. And with that, they smile and drink the remnants of their milkshakes.
"Hey Kevin!" You smile as you see a blond girl walk inside.
"You really need to stop leaving your door open." You chuckle towards the green eyed kid.
"It was just for tonight so Betty could come in." Kevin rolls his eyes as he looks towards the girl who you presume to be Betty, who is standing in the doorway of the living room.
"Oh hi! I'm y/n, Kevin and I study together." You smile brightly.
"I'm Betty. I'm one of Kevin's best friends." She shyly says.
"Come sit and chat with us!"
"Oh no." Kevin facepalms, causing everyone to laugh.

Jughead: You were 8 years old and you were wondering around one of the most beautiful parks you thought you'd seen. Hardly anyone visits anymore so you took the short walk from your house which was planted directly across the street to the park. You wandered aimlessly down the trail and suddenly you heard a twig snap. You freeze in place and begin to hear footsteps. Your breath turning into mist from the crisp winter air.
"Hi!" A voice yelps from behind you and you let out a scream from fright. The kid that the voice belonged to walked over and tried to calm you down with a frown on his face. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." You examined his features which consisted of jet black hair, a little crown beanie, and dark-ish clothes.
"Who are you?" You ask, still a bit upset.
"Jughead. Jughead Jones."
"Oh. I'm y/n. Wanna be friends?"
"Sure!" He beamed and together you two walked for quite a bit before eventually, your parents growing worried and finding you on some swings, laughing and having fun.

Archie: How the hell am I going to get to navigate myself through this school? You thought to yourself until suddenly you felt your body hit against a much more taller and muscular frame. You look up at the red headed boy, eyes in awe at the sight before you. He was so handsome.
"I'm sorry about that, let me help you." He exclaims as he bends down to help pick your books up. Your hands gently brush over eachother as you both pick up the remaining papers on the floor. "I'm Archie by the way." He flashes a bright smile towards you as he puts out a hand for you to shake.
"I'm y/n. Y/n l/n."
"That's an amazing name. I guess I'll see you around." He shoots a wink towards you before catching up to a raven haired boy. I guess this school won't be too bad after all, you finally thought to yourself before navigating yourself through the corridors with a school diagram in hand.

Kevin: "Hey I'm Kevin Keller and I'm gay as fuck. I know I'm cute but please, try and keep your eyes off my goodies y/n." Your tour guide to Riverdale High says. You burst out in laughter at his very honest and slightly egotistical statement.
"Yeah I know. Thanks for the warning Kev."
"Hey! Don't call me that!"

Sweet pea: You feel yourself bump into a figure as you were running to your first period class, which you were already 30 minutes late for. "Jesus fucking Christ. How many times do you people run into eachother here?" The annoyed voice of the person you bump into says out loud.
"I'm so sorry I really didn't mean it." You speak as you bend down to pick up some of the papers you were carrying. He seemed like he was about to say something else but he stopped himself as he bent down to help you out. What you didn't realize though, was that he was somehow admiring you. He thought your features were highly attractive and deep down a wave of regret washed over him.
"Look kid, I'm sorry. I just don't want to be here."
"First off, I'm not a kid. Second of all, nobody wants to be in this school." You scoff.
"Well again. I'm sorry and if you want I'll even buy you lunch."
"Okay 'kid'." You mock the taller figure as you begin walking away.
"Wait what's your name?" You turn around and jokingly flip him off as he asks you this. "Well mine's sweet pea then." He states more quietly with a soft chuckle.

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