Archie Andrews x Reader: Bad Girl

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A cough escapes your lips as you throw the dimly lit cigarette onto the ground, crushing it underneath your black combat boot. "Hey." You hear the voice belonging to Archie say from behind you before a pair of big warm hands wrap themselves around your eyes, blackening your vision. "Guess who I am." You could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"Well Archikins don't be so obvious." You wink before planting a kiss on his cheek. Everyone knew about you and Archie. You were a bad girl and he was a good boy. You both weren't together but you had a thing going on that none of you could explain.
"You know Y/N, we are polar opposites." Archie chuckles.
"You think I didn't know this already? Opposites attract Archikins." You roll your eyes playfully and earn a warm hearted laugh from the built redhead. Somehow being polar opposites, you both had this connection with eachother. A special bond. "Want one?" You ask playfully while holding up the box of cigarettes waiting to be smoked.
"I think I'm good." Archie takes a step back playfully as you proved your points of being opposites.
"Well I'm going to ditch. I'll pick you up afterschool, we can head to Pop's, and meet Betty and Juggie there." You happily state. You enjoyed being in the group with Archie.
"I love you." Archie whispers as he steps closer to you. Suddenly he kisses you and it turns more passionate.
"We'll finish this later." You wink before walking off, hearing Archie's sexy laugh behind you.

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