Jughead Jones x Reader: Run Jughead Run!

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Requested by: CarterRoseWoods

Hal found the messages. You were screwed. Your father, whom you trusted a lot, happened to not know about your rendezvous and affiliations with Jughead Jones. The serpent.
"Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault , he means so much to me. Daddy please don't, we're gonna get married, just you wait and see." You sang as tears fell violently down your porcelain cheeks.
"Every night, the same old dream I, hate to close my eyes. I can't erase, the memory, the sound of Y/N's cry," Jughead whimpers as he sings. "She called me up, late that night and she said, "Jughead don't come over. My dad and I, just had a fight, and he stormed out the door. I've never seen him act this way, my god, he's going crazy. He said he's gonna make you pay, for what we done, he's got a gun so run Joey run!" But Jughead being Jughead, didn't listen.
"Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault, he means so much to me. Daddy please don't, we're gonna get married, just you wait and see!" You screamed as your furious dad had already left.
"Got in my car and drove like mad, till I reached Y/N's place. She ran to me with tear filled eyes, and bruises on her face!" Jughead sang as he remembers caressing Y/N's cheek sadly. "All at once I saw him there, sneaking up behind me, "Watch out! He's got a gun!" Y/N yelled, and she she stepped in front of me." Jughead bursted into tears as he continued recalling the story to police. "Then suddenly, a shot rang out, and I saw Y/N falling. I ran to her, I held her close, when I looked down, my hands were red."
"Please go on Mr. Jones, I know this is hard for you." The officer gave him a sad smile and a pat on the back as a puffy eyed Jughead continued.
"And here's the last words Y/N said "Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault, he means so much to me. Daddy please don't, we're gonna get married."
"I'm sorry to hear that Mr.Jones, but thank you for your cooperation." The police officer let Jughead leave and the raven haired boy ran into his fathers arms and sobbed.

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