Jughead Jones x Reader: Bully Pt. 2

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Your stomach churned as you walked inside of Pop's. You spotted the one and only Jughead typing away on his laptop. He seemed very invested in what he was doing, so, you found this to be the perfect opportunity to scare him. You walked slowly and jumped from behind him. He screamed so loudly that the very few costumers who were in there looked up in surprise. You had never laughed harder in your entire life. Years prickled at the corners of your eyes as you regained composure. Jughead wasn't too happy at first but began laughing along with you. After about 10 minutes, he gave you a hand to lift you up from your place on the ground.
"You know Y/N, you're quite the character." He smirks.
"Oh I know." You giggle before abruptly stopping.
"What's wrong?" Concern fills Jughead's voice as he feels your mood entirely shift.
"Jughead. Why do you even like me?" Your voice turns into a sudden whisper as you look down.
"Y/N. I've liked you for a while now. It was weird at first. I didn't understand my feelings. I've never felt like this for someone else in my life. All of my life I've dealt with neglect and abandonment. You and Archie were one of the first people to show me real love. When I met you, it was as if my whole world was better. And I know it sounds cheesy. But it's true. My feelings were pretty much like a snowball rolling downhill, they just grew and grew." You looked up at him and felt a tear roll down swiftly across your cheek.
"Jughead. I had no idea." You finally muster out. He takes his thumb and wipes your tear away. Before leaning over the table and cupping your face. Before you know it, his rough lips were against yours.
"Hey if you two lovers aren't going to order anything, I suggest you get the hell out and get a room!" Pop's yells. Causing you to erupt in a fit of laughter.

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