Sweet Pea x Reader: Cheater (PT. 2)

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"You know, you mean the world to me Y/N. I mean that. And I want to give you the world. You deserve it." Sweet Pea says softly as you both stand by your locker, which is never used. Tears well up in your eyes as you stare back at him. You never had a guy treat you so well before. Before Sweet Pea, you were in a cycle of ending up in bad relationships. Guys cheated, manipulated, and abused you. Archie was the last straw and you took time for yourself.
2 months earlier...
You were walking in the cool February air. It tickled your cheeks. Before you knew it, you stepped over some ice and fell on your ass in front of your fellow peers. If your face wasn't already pink from the cool weather, well, it sure as hell was now. You felt a sharp sting in your bum as you slowly got up. Suddenly you felt a durable grip help hoist you from the ground.
"Hey, you okay?" A taller and slightly tanner boy asks you. He wore a leather jacket as you looked into his brown eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay actually." You chuckle half-heartedly.
"Good. I'm Sweet Pea." He extends an arm out to you.
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."
Present day...
"Hey what are you smiling at?" Sweet Pea asks with a huge grin.
"Oh nothing. Just got a flashback of how we first met. Pretty interesting. I guess I literally fell for you didnt I." You laugh at your own joke as Sweet Pea places his hand on his forehead.
"This is my cue to go." He jokes as you both erupt into laughter.
"Yeah I think you should." A familiar voice speaks as you and your boyfriend turn around.
"Archie?" You look at the sight in front of you, flabbergasted.
"Yep. In the flesh and blood."
"Get the hell away from me Arch." You huff as you can sense the tension arising amongst you both, while Sweet Pea tries to keep his rising anger on the low. He knew what Archie did. It was fucked.
"Listen. I fucked up."
"Yeah Archie. You did. And you know what? It wasn't my fault. You played mind games. I'm nobody's second choice. Ever. So get that through your thick ass skull. I don't care about your half-assed apology. You chose Veronica that day. It hurt. But I've moved on. Just like you did the day you decided to date her at the same time as me. You also hung out with her while you still chose to see me. I don't hate you at all actually. I wish you the best. And I wish for you to stay the hell away from Sweet Pea and I." You state rather calmly. The calmness, was something that made both Archie and Sweet Pea uneasy.
"Alright then. Fuck you too Y/N." Archie states firmly as he walks away, causing you to laugh.
"Well babe, you certainly know how to choose the pretty crazy ones." Sweet Pea embraces you.

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